Monday, May 14, 2012

Its a GIRL!

A update of our cardinal baby.   Her feathers are starting to come it and its a GIRL!  She is growing fast. Hard to believe its been only a week and a half. She almost takes up her whole nest.  Mom must be feeding her well.

 Dad does a great job of keeping watch. Which means he is still hitting all the windows on our house over and over and over again.  At least that means he's not hurt.

 Today and yesterday she was sleeping. Hoping to get a picture of her awake again before she starts to fly.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's a family.

Saturday I sat watching TV in our living room. I kept hearing a tapping sound. It would pause for a sec and then start back up again. So I got up to investigate. There on the sill outside our window behind the couch stood a male cardinal. Every couple seconds he would attack the window. 

Now other summers we had problems with birds thinking they could enter our house thru the windows. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they keep seeing their reflections and thinking its a bird they need to fight. Kind of funny. And sad. I don’t want them to get hurt. So we always ended up with paper plate faces on our windows.

But this was always at the back of the house on the south side, never at this particular window.  Luckily I had my camera sitting on the arm of the couch. I was able to grab it and get several pictures of the cardinal. I was only like 2 feet or less from it. I told dad about this and he thought it was weird that the male would be that close to the house. So we went to inspect.

As we walked toward the corner of the house the female bird flew from our bush. We ended up finding a nest with a baby and an egg in it. How cool.  So since then I have gone out every couple of days and taken a pictures of the babies. 
Now since then the dad has kept trying to fly into the windows.  I’m convinced that he thinks his reflection is another bird out to get his kids. I have put up paper in the window to cover up where the bird can see so there wont be a reflection. Hoping that he can relax and not hurt himself.

I am hoping to continue to take pictures and watch the little ones grow. 


I finally finished my tree quilt. It took much longer than normal, since I decided to quilt it. Not sure why I made that decision. Except that it looks better than if it were tied. Most of the fabric used was found it the boxes and piles around the house. I did have to buy some green and the orange boarder. I am happy with it.  Came out better than I could have guessed.