Sunday, March 27, 2016

A little video clip.

Follow the link below to watch a clip of Pastor Silas explaining why we are going to Sicily and the heart behind it. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Many have been asking how my support is going.  And till last night I had no idea. But at the same time I was not worried at all.  I know that this is where I am suppose to be. I know that the Lord wants me in Sicily this summer.  
 Maybe you are asking why. 

The simple quick answer is peace. Now as I prepare for this trip, more that any of the other times before trips, I have peace. I don't even know how to explain it really. It is a sense that everything is going to be good. Perhaps this is because I have sound some freedom from fear, especially around mission trips.

But more than that I believe its because I have let go and am fully trusting Him with this.  There are so many questions and unknowns, which usually my planner self would want to know. But I am okay not knowing. I am okay just sitting back and letting others organize and figure out the questions. I am okay with each day giving it over the the Lord knowing that He knows way more that I do. And in His hands its safer. In His hands its a sure thing. In His hands is love and hope and freedom.

The support update I got last night has me at $1452 raised. I still don't know what the final cost of the trip will be. Its has been estimated at over $6000.  Which puts me just over a 6th of the way there.  I do know that in April they will be purchasing our plane tickets. I believe this cost is around $1200. Which means I have made that goal. THANK YOU!

If you are interested and haven't bought one yet my tshirts are only on sale till tomorrow (23 March) evening.  I have sold 26 and am hoping for at least 30 by the end of the sale. That is 4 more in the next day.  Please go HERE to purchase one.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

A little check in

Hi everyone!  I am just over 2 months from leaving for Sicily.  As each day passes I get a little more excited and sure that this is where I am suppose to be. 

I went down to IHOP in Kansas City (the prayer house not the pancake place) for prophetic prayer with the Discipleship class. I got two words from people who don't know me at all and don't know my plans for Sicily, that spoke into Adventure and Going Places. How cool.  Thank you Jesus for confirmation.

I did get an update on how to give online through our church's givingfire page. Visit it here. There is now an “Engage the Crisis-Interns" option from the pull down tab. You can select that and still put my name in the additional comments section below at the bottom. As long as my name is attached to your support it will get to my account.   Thank you if you have already given and if you have not, please pray about being part of this with me.

I posted last week but I am still selling my T shirts and will be till the 23rd. I have sold 22 so far and have a goal of 50. So 28 more to go.  If you would like to buy one please go to Bonfirefunds to purchase one.

I don't think there is anymore updates to share. I continue to wake up each day and befoe I can start ot worry about things I tell the Lord "I trust you". What a great gift we have in Him that He can be trusted and that He is so good and so loving towards us.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Letter #2

I have sent out most of my second letters.  If you did not get one and would like one. Please let me know. It gives some specific prayer requests and goes into what I will be doing this summer just a bit more. 
 An up close view of the meat of the letter.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Shirt for Sicily.

Hi everyone!

 I posted on Facebook but also wanted to share here. I with a lot of help from a friend designed a shirt and am selling it to help fun my and others trips to Sicily this summer.   Check it out. Please buy a shirt and share with your friends. They even ship internationally. 

Check out my Shirt for Sicily here.