Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Our first week

We have been here for almost a week. This week has been filled with figuring out our schedule and to get antiquated with our jobs and locations. We spent an evening at a Piazza talking with people and yesterday we went into the City to walk around and see where we will be ministering on a daily basis.  Here are a few pictures of my time here so far. 

Street food after the Piazza

Mount Etna from our balcony

Michelle and I in the city exploring

Sydney, Nicole and Michelle

The big Catholic church in the middle of town.

Please be praying for health for the team and that we can be prepared and ready for our first team to arrive. They come on Saturday. Continued prayer for unity and for boldness for our staff (this is what we are calling our team on interns).

Friday, May 20, 2016

We made it!!

We are finally here. We have made it to Italy. 

Here is the blog that will be updated on a normal basis by Sydney, she is our Social Media Coordinator.  I will be blogging but this one will also have stories and updates and photos. 

Check the Blog out here.

Our first day was orientation, meetings on specific jobs we have and an evening at a "piazza" (city square) and had street food from a food truck for dinner.  It was a good intro day, tomorrow we will go into the city where we will be doing most of our ministry this summer.