These days it is HOT. The other day was 88 but the feels like temp was 103.
With the heat the best thing to do with the kids is water play. So almost everyday last week the kiddy pool was filled up and enjoyed by all.
Yesterday was a first for me. Since we have a lot of volunteers right now. More than what the nursery can handle we sometimes are assigned other jobs. Yesterday two others and I got the pleasure of scooping and moving cow manure. It was up at Pippa’s farm. There was a group of kids doing a service project with us. It was hot and exhausting. Afterwards a dip in the pool was much welcomed.
I spent this morning painting. I added a giraffe and a bird and the words “Our Famliy” to the Grubs room. I have a few more hours tonight to work. But I think its coming along well. I cant wait to start working on some of the other rooms. Everyone is impressed. I was even called an artist by one of the boys. Its been hard for me not to see all the imperfections. Like today when I kept going up and down the ladder to fix the a and in the end it was only slightly different than the first one. I guess part of me knows that this painting will be up there for a long time and I want it to be done right and perfect.
So the past two days I have been in the nursery but not assigned to any kids. Its been weird not to have that direct contact. But I do see how my cooking or painting is benefiting the kids.
Bonus Pic. Of B while painting.