Monday, June 22, 2015

Another great part

We walk out of the hotel gate and turn the corner. After that the directions are a little unknown.  We head in the direction we thought it would be and end up finding a man who knows where we want to go.

We find the house. Its gate black with gold. Someone comes down and opens it for us.

A quick walk to the back porch , that is covered in shoes of all sizes. Once our shoes join the others we step inside.

Up a quick flight of stairs we meet more of the family.

That moment we all became family.
There are girls everywhere.
Of all ages.

Immediately we are welcomed in with hugs and a game of UNO is quickly started.

Tea is made and it was official we were part of the family.

That was the first few moments at Karuna Ghar a home for girls run by two amazing parents, Gautam and Rekha. But its more than that its a family. Its a place where everyone is seen and everyone is needed.  It didn’t take long for our team to fall in love with this house. For me it was almost immediately. From the first hug and game of UNO I knew this family was special. There is so much love in that house, and everyone knows it. They often have people in and out. Girls friends who want to come over  just because they know there is something different about it.

Through out the trip we spent time with many of the girls. Several of them translated for us and every evening was spent at the house playing games, worshiping and eating dinner. We all fell in love with this family. Gautam and Rekha are amazing parents who are raising their family up in The Lord. Their family looks different than the typical Napali family because of the love that is given there. And because of that they are changing their neighborhood and city.

Rekha, Tim, Gautam and Silas

So here's to a family who loves.  Thank you for letting us be a part of your family, for welcoming us so quickly and making our trip so memorable.

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