Saturday, July 2, 2016

Over half way.

So our time here is over half way over. Not sure how I feel about that.  I am trying to stay in the here and now and not think about what it will be to go home.

We now have our third team here.  A bit about them later.
With the Sheffield team.

While Sheffield was here the Lord was hard at work in Sicily.  Check out our Intern blog about what the Lord did during their time here. 

In that short week He head many including a few on the team.  DBS/bible studies were started and we started to see people give their lives to the Lord.  This team stood on the shoulders of the Dschool team and took the Lords work further. 

It was wonderful how this group of strangers turned into family so quickly.  They were passionate about the Lord, powerful worshipers and prayers.  Since returning to Sheffield one team member has told me that "Sheffield is ignited at the moment from what we have brought back, lets hope we can keep fanning the flame." How generous of the Lord to continue what is happening here to go to Sheffield and begin to change that city.  

Thank you for your prayers.  This summer is amazing and the Lord is working in so many ways. This is in thanks in part to those of you at home praying for us that the Lord will use us. And he has.  So think you for your prayers and keep them coming.  We have started several DBS bible studies through out the city, pray that those attending will garb a hold of them and make them their own so that when we leave they will be able to continue.


  1. Praise, God! We will continue to pray!

  2. awesome! amazing! cant wait to hear more!
