Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Team 5 of 5

 The rest of the Interns and I are back home now.  We have been since Saturday. Our time went really fast there at the end. I will try to fill you in on how the Lord worked in our last few weeks in Italy. 

Here is Sydney's blog of our last team.  Check it out and how the Lord worked thru our last team. 

This team was a team full of faith.  They hit the ground in Italy knowing and hoping and praying for miracles.  They knew from the start the the Lord was going to do big things. They prayed to be used everyday.

From day one, prayer walking around the city, it was easier. There was a weight lifted off the city that had been there all summer.  Just like all the teams before they took what the last teams did and built on it.  Each night while teams were out on the street for ministry there was a team that interceded for them and the nation and the ETC movement. All summer we learned that prayer is powerful and needed. We decided to have a team praying while others were sharing on the streets.

The Lord worked through our short term team and our staff to bring many healings to those on the streets of the city. We were able to share His goodness and bring hope to many.  We met a group that came over on the boats and were able to give them bags, soccer balls and some food to make their first days and journey north a little easier.

I was able to attend a DBS and watch the word speak truth to three young men. I was also able to listen to a story that brought a young man to Italy and as a group we were able to speak truth and freedom to him and his heart. Two evenings that I will remember for a long time.

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