Tuesday, May 1, 2018


In two weeks I will be making sure I have everything in my bags and heading to the airport soon to leave for the summer. 

That went fast. It feels like I just signed up for this trip. And now its right around the corner.

People keep asking, "Are you ready?" "Are you getting excited?"

Ready. Physically, No.  Right now my life is 78% in boxes. I just moved this last weekend and am still trying to settle into the new house and find a spot for all my stuff (which I have way too much of anyways). Mentally, Yes. I am ready to leave the states and experience a new place, people and culture.

Excited, of course, wouldn't you be.  I don't get nervous before trips anymore. It feels right. This is what I am made for. My father already knows what is going to happen every day I am away. And I hold to the truth that he doesn't give me more than I can deal with. So besides a little bit of nerves going thru security (but that happens no matter where I fly) I am ready (all except packing and that one last shot I have to get) and excited to see what happens this summer.

Thank you for checking in. I will be updating through out the summer, probably with pictures and cryptic stories.

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