Sunday, June 24, 2018

30 Days.

Made it to the thirty day mark.

We are well into serving the community now. And have our first teams arriving this week.

I wanted to share with you one off my favorite days so far. A week ago Saturday three other teammates and I went to the train station in town and met a group of kids whos parents are working most of the day and night too. The kids have a rough life and a program was started awhile back to give the kids a safe place to be and learn. We met about 15 kids. Sweet kids with beautiful smiles and dreams of their future. Their lesson that day was a story, where we taught them English words every once in awhile. Like the four seasons because they have two here- wet and dry. Then we got to color with them and get to know them better. This Saturday we get to go back and teach the lesson ourselves. It was a sweet time that reminded me so much of my group of kids at Tuesday help back home.

I have been going to a CH for three weeks now. This week three of us went on our own with out translators. The message is translated for us in headphones. It's been so sweet to sing in their language to Father and see the passion in that place for Father and their city. Sometimes I stop singing and just listen to everyone around be and thank J for these people who love Him so much in a place where that's not popular. I am so happy to have found a CH that loves J and is passionate to live lives that look like Him.

We meet in small groups to debrief our time here and process things. This last week I shared my story with my girls and through that was able to see how Father has been with me and has been so so good to me all these years. I have gone through a lot (especially in my time spent in SA) but He has always been there. I have seen and experienced a lot but physically I'm okay. He has never allowed be to be touched. My heart and has been broken up a bit but with His help it's healing. It was a sweet realization while telling my story how much he loves and cares for me. Always has and always will.

How to PR.
Our team is interning into a 21 day Fst. We are PRing for breakthrough and for that which the Father promised us for the summer to come to be. I would appreciate any PRs in that direction for our team. For me personally I will be PRing that I hear His voice clearer and that my ears are tuned to the Father and not the lies and the snake who says them. There are also a few questions I came here with that I am looking for answers for too

Always for POP and chances to meet with locals to talk about J.
For health and energy as we enter our 2nd third of the trip
For our teams coming in to experience all that Father has for them here.

Proof that I am alive.

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