Monday, November 19, 2012

Sorry for the delay

Wow I was doing so good with this blogging thing. I guess lately I have felt like everyday is the same. Well, this past week I worked nights. Those are always the same. So its hard to think of something interesting that I think you will want to read. But, maybe my everyday things are interesting enough.

Like knowing that I probably change 30 nappies/diapers a day. And that is just a guess. I will have to count one day. Then times that by a year. Im sure it will be a large number.

Or that the other night during night shift I caught and flushed 5 cockroaches in the nursery. You don’t want to kill them because that is when they lay their eggs. The toilet is the best.

The other day one of our mama goats died so now there is a bucket with teats for the kids to eat from. Its kind of a sad site to walk past everyday. The poor guys look all alone without mom.

How about the numerous walks we take with the creepies and lions. There are four destinations really. To the chickens. (Which is always a risk in the summer with the spitting cobras (they like the chicken eggs)) To the preschool playground. A change of pace from our nursery one. To the turtles, for a short walk. Or to the “new farm” This is where Pippa and her kids live. Its just a short walk away sometimes through a herd of cows. Walks are good they usually tire the kids out. Which is the goal for nap time. Once in a while we get creative and daring and go someplace new like when we visited the horse next door, thanks to our wall blowing down in a storm.

I could tell you about how I feel like a mom more and more everyday. Its moments when I call the kids the wrong name, or get upset about no changing table in the mall bathrooms. I was just sitting in the nest the other night, holding and looking at our newest baby. G came to us 10 days old and so little. I just cant imagine having one so little be mine. Like part of me. Im so use to holding and loving others babies. It will be foreign when its mine.

Then there is the turtle family who live in our memorial garden. The creepies are scared of them and half the lions. But, it makes really cute videos. Ask me when I get home and I will show you.

Then there are all the dishes to wash. The clothes to wash and fold and put away. The floors to be swept and mopped. The formula to mix and the snacks to prepare during nap time.

I remember when I first got here how there was so much to remember that I would never feel like I knew it all. But I do. And each time I am trained on something new ( like meds or the nest) I get excited.


  1. Love hearing the details. Sounds like you and I can relate some...OK, probably a lot. ;-)

    1. Wow!! lots of nappie experience and knowing how to care for all the physical and emotional needs. This year will help you be a super Mom! When you have your own babies you will be able to relax and enjoy bonding and loving them. New Moms (at least I was) nervous if your doing it the right way. With all the different babies will help prepare you for any personality and confidence you can handle anything. We are proud of you!
