Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Unfolding and its okay.

There is a group of us every Monday that goes to Alpha. For those who don’t know what that is, its a 10 week class on the basics of Christianity. With not being able to go to church regularly a few of us jumped at the opportunity.

Last night while singing a few songs before our teaching video started a line to a song I have sang  before jumped out at me. 

 “Lord, renew my mind as your will unfolds in my life.”

I'm not sure why it stuck out to me so much but it did.To renew is to make again, to make fresh.  His will is something that we (as Christians) all want in our life. We pray for it. We search for it.  So we need the lord to make our mind a new as His will plays out. Im not sure why but the image of a map on a road trip came to mind. (I think it was the unfolding) As you drive you focus on a little part of the map. As you continue to drive that map needs to be unfolded so that you can follow your course. But, with each unfold new roads and options come up. You have choices. Either keep going the way you are or pick a new route which may be quicker or prettier or harder or full of construction. No matter what you need to rethink or at least think about rethinking. That is how it is with us. When seasons in our lives change and the Lord calls us to something different we need to renew our mind and be okay with a left turn here or a round-about there. The thing is He wrote the map and he knows the in the end you will be fine. Its His will His map we follow not ours. Its when we follow our map that we get into trouble. Or when we get stuck on one route and miss an even better one. 


  1. THis is so good!! I love it... It makes so much sense!!! I pray that God helps u find you new destination on his map for your life soon. Love you sister. I can't wait to meet all the kiddos in the picture in your last post.
