Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Would we need HIM?

I was just spending some quiet time in my room reading. At church we are all reading the same book right now( I was trying to get this weeks reading in). The Sunday sermon and small group chat is about it. Its a growing and learning as a church/community about it. At small group last week our leaders handed out a paper with Declarations on it. 23 things to speak aloud over ourselves and about ourselves. But to be honest there is one that I just don't believe.   

"My family and those connected to us are protected from disasters, disease, divorce, adultery, poverty, false accusation, foolish decision and all accidents." (Psalm 91)

I don't know if its that I have seen too much of that happen to those I love and my family. I have seen a good friend taken from this world too early because of foolish decisions and a accident while doing Gods work overseas. I have has friends attacked walking down the street in towns they love and minister in and pray for. I have seen a break in go too far for no good reason. I have lost two Aunts to cancer, an uncle to an accident and my grandmother to disease that took her long before she left this earth. I have seen poverty in many countries with my eyes and fallen in love with some who are caught in it and cant get out. I have seen parents abandon babies, neglect babies and give up babies.  I have seen almost everything this statement speaks against.

I am a very visual person. I believe what I see. I trust facts. I don't see this as truth.

I am struggling.

I wish it were easy to declare. But all of my eyes have seen and all my heart has heart keeps my mind and heart from trusting this statement.

I do believe that the Lord can work good from bad. That He is always with us and wont leave us. I believe that the Lord loves us and wants us to be safe and free from harm. But life and the enemy sometimes ruin that. This life isn't quite as perfect as that.

If it were would we need God would we need to pray and seek Him daily. If there was nothing tripping us or making us lean on Him, nothing making us draw strength from Him along, WOULD WE?

I don't think I would.

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