Monday, October 13, 2014

The Greatest story

In class tonight we read a story and I want to share that story with you.

Its a story about God, the Most High God.

He created everything. He made the sky and the oceans. He made the birds, deer, lions and whales. He created man and woman. They had the most perfect relationship with God. They lived without fear or worry.

But, the enemy, a fallen angel who was consumed with power and pride, tricked woman and her husband into breaking the one rule with God. This caused Man and Woman to not be able to have a relationship with God. See God is pure and holy and man sinned. Man could no longer be around the Most High God.

But God still loved them so he gave them commandments to follow. But, they weren’t good at that. Eventually those were not followed. To make them right with God again God allowed Blood sacrifices to make things right. But, after a time everyone did sacrifices because that is what needs to be done but didn’t have the correct heart with it. It just became a thing to do.

Because of this Jesus came to earth.

While on earth Jesus preformed many miracles. He fed many with little. He raised a friend from the dead. He calmed storms, and healed the sick. He had power over all.

He never sinned. He was perfect.

God made the ultimate blood sacrifice, his son. Jesus died for everyone and their sins.

Now man can have a relationship with God again. We all have run away from God but he welcomes us back with open arms and a party.

He wants a relationship with us. He has done everything he has done to have just that. He allowed his son to die so that he can spend time, teach, encourage, and just be with us. So that we can feel his love, his hope and his grace. This is the greatest story to be a part of. This is a story that will change your life.

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