Friday, November 7, 2014

He likes me!

Last night for Dschool we watched a movie or listened to a sermon whichever. It was Chris Gore talking about living on this side of the cross. Meaning the new covenant.

 He talked about Living Grace vs. living the Law. 

If you are living the law then you are working FOR favor, love, victory. Where as if you are living Grace then you are working FROM favor, love, victory. For you already have them. You don't have to strive to acquire them. Jesus did that when he died on the cross. The Law (which is impossible for humans to fulfill) was fulfilled by Him.

There were two lines in the movie that stood out to me. One was:

He [God/Jesus] doesn't just love me, He likes me.

If you know me somewhat well you may have heard me say that I am called to love everyone. So when there is someone who I especially love I usually tell them I like them. So to think that is how God feels about me, it hit me. We think the same. I haven't really heard anyone else say that that way before besides me. It was cool.

The other...
I love Him, because He loves me. 

In this statement it shows that He did the loving first and because of him loving me, I love him.  His love for me is not conditional. It is not based on how much I love him. Which in view of many relationships I have had, this is how I have viewed how relationships are.

I want to carry these truth in my heart. I want them to change the way I see my and Gods relationship. I want to love Him because He love me not so that He will love me. I want to feel confident that He loves me each and everyday. To truly know that He wants to love me and chooses to be with me. Which he does.

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