Monday, July 23, 2012

Support Letter

Friends and Family,

I’m going back to South Africa.  I will be moving over there for a year. I leave September 6th and will return next September. I will be volunteering at an orphanage in Johannesburg. The orphanage, The Love of Christ Children’s Home (TLC), takes in abandoned and unwanted babies. Here is how TLC explains what they do and who they are:

"In a country where more than half the population lived in appalling conditions, with very little income, in families torn apart by urbanisation and legal restrictions, The Love of Christ Ministries was established by the Jarvis family to rescue the tiniest victims of a society in turmoil.
Since we rescued our first two little ones in April 1993, we have continued to play a part in changing the destiny of more than 780 babies who have been abandoned or orphaned, as our nation continues to be plagued by HIV-AIDS, unemployment and high crime levels.
That in itself has been a great challenge for us, but we are dedicated to more than just saving babies. Our primary ethos at TLC is that "every child has the right to a loving and responsible family", this requires us to do more.
Every baby at TLC is a part of our family, we hold each little one dear, we fight for the rights of every one, we seek the best for each individual, always.
Being committed to this belief has meant that over time we have had to grow. Our family has grown from five children to almost thirty; Our nursery accommodates another thirty little babies between birth and three years; We are assisted by a fantastic international team of 16 - 24 volunteer caregivers. We employ a number of staff members to assist with administrative and domestic duties. And we now report to a board, who assist us in ensuring we keep sailing in the right direction."

I am excited to get back to South Africa and love on those who have no one to love them. Africa stole my heart over 5 years ago and just the thought of going back makes it beat a bit louder.

Because this is a volunteer job I will need to raise support. My goal is $5,500 for the year. This includes housing, food, plane tickets, visa, insurance and the other small needs of living in and getting to South Africa.  If you would like to or feel called to support me, you can send support to my home address.

I ask you for your prayers this next year. Prayers for energy, strength, Trust in God, and a sense of belonging.  I know that this next year will have hard days, but it will have really good days too. It will be a year of learning, growth and challenges.  For those days of challenge, I would love to have a letter from home that I can pull out and read to encourage me and remind me that I can do it. If you would like to send me a letter you can send it to my home address as well. On the envelope put “For Africa” so that I know not to open it.

I thank you for your support over the years.  I thank you for your prayers and support this year. What I do is not possible without you and your prayers and support.

Following Him,
Rebecca Arnold

If you wish to have my address to send support or letters please email, comment with your email so I can email you.

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