Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A new Nepal trip

If you are connected to technology at all then you have heard about and seen the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake that happened Saturday.

My team members and I would never have guessed this would happen a month before we leave. 

But the Lord knew. 
And He still called us there months and months ago.

So YES, we are still going.
Pastor Silas, who lived there with his family for 11 years, is going back on Saturday to check it all out and get a better picture of what is going on and check on his friends there. After he gets back we will have a better picture of what our trip will now look like. 

For those of you who have supported me financially for this trip, THANK YOU. For those of you who haven't yet and want a way to help the people of Nepal after this terrible thing, you can partner with me and my teams mission trip. Just go here and select Short term team- Nepal and put my name (Rebecca Arnold) down in the comments area. If you want to know more about this trip stay tuned here for updates or I can get you our original trip info.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

I'm not perfect. I fail sometimes.

So that is hard for me to admit, especially to myself.

 I want to do things correct and right the first time I do them. Many things do come easy to me so I expect everything to. But they don't. There are days at work that the the cupcakes I bake come out of the oven too big or too small. Sometimes the cakes overflow and cause a big mess. Sometimes I say the wrong words. Sometimes I forget things or add numbers wrong or I forget to brush my teeth. Or I don't do my homework right. Or I don't speak up when I should. Even the things I'm good at I struggle to see that I am good at it. I just expect to fail at things because I can't do them perfect.

So I'm reading my Discipleship homework tonight, a few chapters from the book Living Gods Word, and I read:

"Because we live int he overlap between this age and the age to come, we will experience victories as well as struggles until Jesus returns. [one example given is] - We experience God's forgiveness, BUT we still sin and will never be perfect in this life."

Bam. Right there, the very thing that I hold over myself is not even possible. It's way to high of a bar to expect myself to get to. That goal is too high. Too perfect. A little later on that same page I read:

"God takes time to accomplish his work in our lives. He will continue to work until Christ returns (see Phil 1:6). We will always be growing and maturing in this life, but we will not be morally perfect and sinless until Christ returns."

So while its good to try to be better, perfect may not be a good goal. Where is the Freedom in that? Where is the Grace? The Hope? If we are not to be perfect till Christ comes back, then accomplishing that goal before He returns takes away His reason to return.

"Discipleship is the lifelong process of learning how to be like Jesus in every aspect of life"

Keyword here being LIFELONG. So it takes a while to be like Him. Its not something anyone can "perfect" in a day. A week. A couple years. Its a journey that takes our whole lives. And not till the end when we are with Him are we PERFECT.

So I need to take the pressure off myself. I need to enjoy this journey. Take time to sit and relax. Take time to laugh and enjoy. To learn from Him who knows it all. Who is the example and who is working in me to make me more like Him.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Today we had our fundraiser. It was a lot of fun and the Lord blessed us. We felt the support from the whole church. What a great community the Lord has placed me in.

 Here are a few pictures from the day. 

Our Art for sale.

The Church showed up.

Teammates making pancakes.

More of the team. Always having a good time.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Im going to Nepal.

So as part of the Discipleship Class I have been taking since August my class and I will be going to Kathmandu, Nepal in June. We are excited for this trip. For some its their first mission trip. For me its my first with my sister. My first on that side of the world.  Here is some details of our trip.

As a team we welcome prayers just as much as financial support. So I ask that you pray for us. We want to see the Lord use us in miraculous ways to show His love and kingdom to everyone we meet. If you are able please partner with me financially to make this trip possible and help change lives and hearts. Click HERE to give towards my trip.  Select the Short Term Missions- Nepal Team and add my Name (Rebecca Arnold). Thank you for your prayers and support. 

I will try to update this more than I have. I gave up my computer for lent but I'm back on it now.