Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A new Nepal trip

If you are connected to technology at all then you have heard about and seen the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake that happened Saturday.

My team members and I would never have guessed this would happen a month before we leave. 

But the Lord knew. 
And He still called us there months and months ago.

So YES, we are still going.
Pastor Silas, who lived there with his family for 11 years, is going back on Saturday to check it all out and get a better picture of what is going on and check on his friends there. After he gets back we will have a better picture of what our trip will now look like. 

For those of you who have supported me financially for this trip, THANK YOU. For those of you who haven't yet and want a way to help the people of Nepal after this terrible thing, you can partner with me and my teams mission trip. Just go here and select Short term team- Nepal and put my name (Rebecca Arnold) down in the comments area. If you want to know more about this trip stay tuned here for updates or I can get you our original trip info.

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