Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lots of bagels and orange juice.

We had our first team meeting today. Really it was all information passed along to the team.  We got packets of paperwork.  I will share with you a few things that stood out to me.

1.  We don't have to wear skirts and we can wear tank tops.  A little blessing. I'm excited to be in warm weather and don't have to dress in long pants or skirts. Yay!

2.  Our day doesn't end till 12am. Yes you read that right MIDNIGHT. Now if you have been around me at all in the last 3-4 years you know that I like to go to bed early. Last night I was in bed (not asleep) by 8pm.  I wake before 5am so going to bed early is a must. So I'm not sure how I will stay awake till 12.  My team will have to keep me entertained or keep elbowing me to keep me awake. I usually hit a wall at 9:30.  Good luck to me.

3. Our trip cost, which has not been completely figured out has been estimated at $6300.  Yes that shocked us all on the team.  That is a large number. But I have to remind myself that this is Europe not Africa.  And that the Lord has called me to this, so He already knows that the money will come in.  Several key factors in the cost of the trip are still being figured out so the cost could be below that. Please pray that housing for my team and I (the Interns) are found.  This is just one more place for me to say "Yes, Lord I trust you". 

If you feel led to give and support me financially this summer I thank you. Please go HERE and choose Sicily and in the optional comments section put Rebecca Arnold. As long as my name is attached to the gift it will go towards my trip. 

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