Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Trying to trust.


When I think of that word I think of a kid first learning to ride a bike and trusting that dad wont let go of the seat. I think of a parent trusting that their kid will be okay when they go off to college. I think of having to walk on a rope bridge over a river.

Right now I think of taking a step and not knowing what lies ahead but knowing that the Lord does. That is where I am at. Ever since graduation college. Still cant believe I did that. I have been in a weird place in life. No longer a student not sure how to be an adult. Back living with my parents. Wanting to get back into missions but not sure how. And now I find myself at a fork. Or so it seems. Really the one thing that I need to do is trust.

Trust the Lord.
Trust that He has a plan.
Trust that that plan is good.

So a few weeks ago in my Quiet time I studied the word trust. Let me share what I found.

A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone [GOD]
Acceptance of the truth of a statement with evidence [THE BIBLE].
Have confidence, hope

So then I looked up confidence.
Its synonyms are:  confide in, depend on, be sure of certain, in no doubt, hopeful

I came to the conclusion that for me right now...
Trust is...
    Not doubting God.
    Being confident in what He says [the bible] and does.
    Being sure of Him and His ways.

That is where I am each day deciding to do the three things above. To not doubt God and what He is doing in my life right now. I try to walk out being confident in Him on a daily basis and being sure of what He is doing in my life and others.

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