Saturday, December 31, 2011

The emptiness.

So my sister is successfully moved into her first apartment and starts her job on Monday. I was able to drive down and help her move in. i was good up till the point good byes started then it was tears and crying. If you know me you know that I am not a huge crier. Although I do cry now more than in the past. The lord is working on my heart.

Anyways after getting back home from moving her there has been this emptiness. No longer do I have to "fight" over the good parking in the driveway. Every time I walk into our room I get sad. That resulted in me rearranging and stripping her bed. How long will have have this sadness in me?  Will I again feel complete.  I feel like half of me has been torn out. You live with someone for so long its just normal to have them there with you. But now its just me. My Partner-in-crime (as my cousins have referred to sisterhood) is no longer here. I know that the Lord will grow and stretch me thru this. That both of us will learn lots about ourselves from this. But ts not fun. My season is changing but its like a early snowstorm that is unwanted.

I have solved all of this by keeping myself busy and not thinking about her. Although I am not looking forward to going back to work on Tuesdays in will be a good distraction.

1 comment:

  1. Somedays my very quiet apartment needs a sister to make it complete... cooking would be funner (i know that isn't a word but):) hope life in michigan is full of snow!!
