Wednesday, December 14, 2011

She's leaving me.

So my little sister is moving out. She got a job in Nebraska. Just a few states away. And I have only a few weeks to be okay with this. She starts her new job on the 2nd of January. So we have only 13 more days together. I have lived without her before but not at home. I always left her. And now she is leaving me. Its going to take a while for me to get use to this but there is always Skype and long phone calls.
I am PROUD of her. I am also sad. I will miss her a lot. There are so many things that will not be the same without her. Things like: Baking. Shopping. Dinners with the family. Church. Evenings watching the tv while on computers. Babysitting Soph and Dek. Early mornings. Saturdays. And pretty much the rest of everyday life.

Who will I get to laugh at when they speak in their sleep?
Who else will understand me when I talk while brushing my teeth?
Who's clothes can I steal now?
Who will I talk with about life?
Who will braid my hair or curl it or do anything with it besides a ponytail?
Who will drive me home when I am to tired to or don't want to?

Kt if you are reading this. You are awesome and will do GREAT in Nebraska. I hate that you are leaving and home will not be the same but I am proud of you and know that this is the right thing for you. Thanks for letting me move you.

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