Friday, June 29, 2012

Grandma A part 1

Grandma went home on Wednesday. She is now with her husband and two children.  Its been a tough week and not over yet.  I really want to speak at her funeral and am trying to find the right words.  I wanted to share with you who she was  and what she was like.
Our grandma was loved by many.  She was a big part of her church. Cooking many dinners over the years. She was famous in the community. It means something to be Gloria Arnold’s Granddaughter.
But to us she was GRANDMA. And we would like to share with you what that means to us. How GRANDMA taught us and made us who we are today.

First were the early days. Once we were too big for daycare. Grandma stepped in. We got to hang out with her all day. Then once we hit school age we got to get off the bus at Grandmas house.

I remember feeling so lucky to have her so close that we got to see her everyday. Some kids only saw their grandma on holidays. Everyday was a holiday for us.  We got to spend like half our life at grandmas.

If you know our family you know we like to pick fruit. It all started with Grandma. She had raspberry bushes in the backyard. As soon as we could walk, she had us out there picking them. Then came blueberry picking. And so many times in the peach orchard with peach juice rolling down our arms from a ripe peach shared with Grandma. From those days we learned to pack a wet washcloth or two when at the peach orchard.

Then there were the road trips out east. Where we learned how to share a bed. Sleep as still as possible.

Even after retiring GRANDMA still wanted to work. So she found Emily Andrus in Battle Creek a home for ladies. There she continued to work in the kitchen. One of her job duties was to grocery shop each week for the entire place. That meant two maybe three shopping carts full of food. We went with her just about every week during the summers. On these trip we learned to pack a grocery bag. Cans always on bottom. Also learned was how to pick out a good head of lettuce, a ripe stalk of celery.

GRANDMA was a strong fighting lady.  She didn’t get thru life easily.  Twice she beat cancer. Its hard enough to beat once but our GRANDMA did it THREE times. That is proof that she was very close to indestructible.

She lost grandpa almost 26 years ago. Even though she could have given up on life then she kept going knowing that her family needed her. Family was always important to her.

 So many memories of meals shared at holidays around the table. Of picnics on the back patio complete with homemade ice cream in the summer. GRANDMA taught us that you always have to try the ice cream before dishing it out. Therefore we will always clean off the paddles just for her.

She took care of so many others, giving rides to church, checking in on them on a weekly basis, and even taking care of them in there last months of earth. She was selfless in so many ways. Always giving a helping hand.

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