Friday, August 31, 2012

More info.

Here is a great blog entry from the Lady in charge of TLC.  I thought that it gave a great overview. It's a little old but I found it informative. 

Go to Mom's Mosaic to read more about where I am going.

Time is disappearing

Yesterday marked one week left in Marshall. In Michigan. In The United States. 
Which means that today is my last Friday here in for a year. 
Next week I will be stepping off a plane back on to South African soil. I have waited for this for a while. 

I am excited. I am getting more ready as the time gets closer for this next season in my life. It will be a great adventure. I will gain many new friends, life lessons and wisdom. I would lie if I said I am nervous. So many questions run thru my head daily. Will my co-volunteers like me?  Will I be any good with the kids? What am I doing?  So you realize how long a year is, What if you don't like it? What will you do after the year is up? Am I packing too much (How does one pack for a year, anyway?)?

But I refuse to let those questions squash my excitement.

 In just over a week I will be holding little South African babies who people have "thrown away". I will be the one to show them love. To show them that they are wanted and will grow strong and make a difference in this world.

In just over a week I will be joining a team, no a family, of people from around the world who have signed up to do just what I have. People who I know will be my family before the year is over. Who will cause me to cry for days when a year from now i am saying goodbye to them. Who will be there to give me a big hug when I am having a bad day and to laugh and smile with me on really great days. People who will help me to learn all there is to learn to take care of the babies. Who will remind me how to do something that I have forgotten. 

Each time I get nervous, I remind myself that there is much more to be excited about. The lord has called me to this.
 He said Go and I am going.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


So while watching Psych tonight I made my favorite niece, Soph, a pet turtle. I found it on Pinterest and the pattern and directions ( found here ) were easy to follow.  I think that he came out really cute.  I used scraps that I have left from other projects.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

14 days to go...

Two weeks
Two weeks and I will be boarding a plane
A plane back to South Africa

So much to do.

I said my first good-bye yesterday. I spent the last 5 days with my sister in Nebraska having sister time. I left her yesterday morning. :( It was a great time of just me and her though. I was able to see what she does on a daily basis and meet her kids. Which got me excited for my own kids this next year.

Now there is packing to do.  I welcome any tips on how to pack for a year overseas. Seems a little overwhelming right now.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pesto time!

My Basil is in full swing. Well it's not actually swinging but it has grown really really good.


So I decided that I should do something with it before I head to Ne for a week.  Besides the garlic that dad picked up at the store on the way home, I had all the ingredients for pesto. I recently gave last years batch to a friend so it was time to replenish our freezer supply.  

For those who want to know how to make this easy sauce.  In a food processor or blender mix 2 cups basil (I always pack it in pretty good), 1/4 cup walnuts or pine nuts, 2 cloves of garlic, some Salt and a pepper.

  Mix it well.  Then drizzle in 2/3 cup of olive oil while mixing. Then add in 1/2 cup parm. Mix again. Then use fresh or freeze.

I use to freeze in peanut butter jars but in recent years have used ziplock bags so that I can break off what I want instead of thawing it all.

My favorite uses for pesto include- pesto cream sauce on pasta, cold pasta salad with chicken and veggies, tomato pesto soup.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So I was sitting in my yard just a little bit ago watching Cheech, Dexter and Yukon (all dogs) play.  My mind got thinking on all the things that will be coming with returning to South Africa.

Besides that orphans.  Which I am most excited about. Even if they aren't "orphans" I can't wait to see their faces and hear them laugh. Because no matter what, the kids of SA always smile and laugh.

Im excited for...
Appletizers. This would be a sparkling apple flavored drink. Kind of like the non-alcoholic grape drinks that can be found here in the states around new years. And I get to enjoy them first on the plane ride to.  

In SA their chip isle in the stores look like our cereal ones. So many flavors. And one of them, from Lays, comes in a light blue bag, Balsamic vinegar and Caribbean onion.  Wish they were sold here but it makes it only better when I get there.

Sunsets.  The always seem brighter and more colorful there.

Fruit n Veg.  Which is only the best fresh produce store ever.  It even sells smoothies and fruit salads.

There are many more things. These make the top of the list.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The countdown begins.

One month.
One more month till my feet, heart, and soul are back in South Africa.
One month to enjoy friends and family till the Lord takes me on my next adventure.

I have my visa, my plane tickets, all that is left is to get my bags packed.  Right now they are sitting in the guest bedroom with a few things in them and a couple piles around.

With a month to go, I’m not sure that it has hit me yet that I will be gone for a year. But, more than that that, I will be back to the country that stole my heat. To the kids that I have felt called to love since I first saw them and heard their stories.

4 of my kids from Jeffrey's Bay.