Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So I was sitting in my yard just a little bit ago watching Cheech, Dexter and Yukon (all dogs) play.  My mind got thinking on all the things that will be coming with returning to South Africa.

Besides that orphans.  Which I am most excited about. Even if they aren't "orphans" I can't wait to see their faces and hear them laugh. Because no matter what, the kids of SA always smile and laugh.

Im excited for...
Appletizers. This would be a sparkling apple flavored drink. Kind of like the non-alcoholic grape drinks that can be found here in the states around new years. And I get to enjoy them first on the plane ride to.  

In SA their chip isle in the stores look like our cereal ones. So many flavors. And one of them, from Lays, comes in a light blue bag, Balsamic vinegar and Caribbean onion.  Wish they were sold here but it makes it only better when I get there.

Sunsets.  The always seem brighter and more colorful there.

Fruit n Veg.  Which is only the best fresh produce store ever.  It even sells smoothies and fruit salads.

There are many more things. These make the top of the list.


  1. I've recently been thinking about all the things I won't be around for - like holiday food! *gasp* I needed this today - the reminder of what to look forward to, and that we're gaining things as well. Thanks :)

  2. It is hard to think about what we are going to miss. My niece or nephew (due any day now) will be a year when I get back. i will miss its whole baby phase. But we must remember that we will be living life over there with days filled with memories and chances to change lives. We will have the opportunity to love those who others have chosen not to. We are going to the countries who have stolen our hearts. It wont be the same as home. But isn't that why we are going. Plus you can make holiday food anywhere.
