Friday, August 31, 2012

Time is disappearing

Yesterday marked one week left in Marshall. In Michigan. In The United States. 
Which means that today is my last Friday here in for a year. 
Next week I will be stepping off a plane back on to South African soil. I have waited for this for a while. 

I am excited. I am getting more ready as the time gets closer for this next season in my life. It will be a great adventure. I will gain many new friends, life lessons and wisdom. I would lie if I said I am nervous. So many questions run thru my head daily. Will my co-volunteers like me?  Will I be any good with the kids? What am I doing?  So you realize how long a year is, What if you don't like it? What will you do after the year is up? Am I packing too much (How does one pack for a year, anyway?)?

But I refuse to let those questions squash my excitement.

 In just over a week I will be holding little South African babies who people have "thrown away". I will be the one to show them love. To show them that they are wanted and will grow strong and make a difference in this world.

In just over a week I will be joining a team, no a family, of people from around the world who have signed up to do just what I have. People who I know will be my family before the year is over. Who will cause me to cry for days when a year from now i am saying goodbye to them. Who will be there to give me a big hug when I am having a bad day and to laugh and smile with me on really great days. People who will help me to learn all there is to learn to take care of the babies. Who will remind me how to do something that I have forgotten. 

Each time I get nervous, I remind myself that there is much more to be excited about. The lord has called me to this.
 He said Go and I am going.


  1. Wishing you the very best! Excited and nervous for you too!
    Love you!

  2. How exciting!!! Can't wait to see what God does... We'll be praying for you every step of the way.

  3. Such a mixture of feelings, of course! When you love people in two cultures, two continents, it isn't easy, for both places are "home." I am praying for great things for you in this adventure! Love ya--BRM

  4. Signed up for the email reminders! Excited to see how this adventure unfolds for you. Thinking of you often and always sending love your way :)
