Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The countdown begins.

One month.
One more month till my feet, heart, and soul are back in South Africa.
One month to enjoy friends and family till the Lord takes me on my next adventure.

I have my visa, my plane tickets, all that is left is to get my bags packed.  Right now they are sitting in the guest bedroom with a few things in them and a couple piles around.

With a month to go, I’m not sure that it has hit me yet that I will be gone for a year. But, more than that that, I will be back to the country that stole my heat. To the kids that I have felt called to love since I first saw them and heard their stories.

4 of my kids from Jeffrey's Bay.

1 comment:

  1. You will be surely missed by your family!!! I know the next month will go faster than we want but I know your heart will glow and your smile will shine while helping the South African babies. Your love will make them grow and flourish. May you make many new friends and have much support in your new family at TLC.
