Friday, February 15, 2013

A lesson being learned

Have you ever been assigned something that you didn't think you could do? Or had a task set in front of you that you saw as impossible? Have you ever discovered a hidden talent that the Lord blessed you with but saved for a rainy day? I have. When my leader Zoe first came to me with a picture of elephants, hippos, giraffes and even an elephant. I thought there is now way I can put that on the wall. At least not one that people see everyday all day long. I was nervous. I felt the need to practice. But, because life doesn't leave me time with enough energy to draw huge animals on the wall for fun I went in blind. Well, that is how it felt.

You know what I think I shocked myself as much as everyone who complimented me the next morning on my first days work. And only two hippos were on the wall. Everyone said and keeps saying "I cant do that". But that is exactly what I said to my self.

Now Im not saying that we are all secret artists who can paint huge murals on walls. But maybe we are. I bet each of us has been blessed with a skill that we don't think we have. Maybe its being able to do math without a calculator. Or naming all the capitals and states. Maybe its knowing how cars work or being able to calm screaming babies (Im working on that skill this year). Maybe its making people feel loved or building houses that will be made into homes. Maybe its raising your kids to to be the next world changers. What if we tried every time we said I cant do that and give ourselves a chance. I think we would all be surprised. Surprised at how brave, strong and kind of cool we are.

The Lord has equipped us all. And I think He's a creative God. Look out side there are trees that turn colors when they loose their food in the fall. Most beautiful just before death. There are animals that can close up into themselves for safety. Not everyone can be or should be a turtle but it works for them. There are animals who when a limb is lost they grow it back. There are flowers that only come out at night. The list goes on and on he made the animals and plants with cool skills that surprise us so why not give us skills that surprise us. We are his prise creation afterall,


  1. WOW!!! You brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful and true!! I thought of how this applies to my life and so many I know around me, at work and family I love. If you don't mind this will be posted on our wall at work - It gives much to think about. We really don't know who we are til we are tested and say "I can do this" or I am going to to the best I can do and work hard at it. I am so proud of you!!

  2. This is an incredible story and I am happy for you. Thank you sister; as I was reading this article I learnt two relevant things to have in Life, and I was deeply moved....Stay blessed!
