Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Just a thought.

We have gotten two new babies in the last two days. Its so exciting when we do. But should it be exciting? It always makes me think about the whole situation. We shouldn't need a place like TLC in the first place. It would be so much better for the kids to be with their tummy mummies. Not a bunch of strangers. But we have been intrusted with them. To be honest I would rather they come here and not some other home. Here its like a home not an institution.

The thing with TLC is we aren't strangers for very long. Soon we are family. The kids learn that we are here to Love them. To be there for them to play with or to cry on our shoulders. They know we will pick them up when they fall and make sure they are warm at night. They learn to trust us and love us. Some of them get very attached to some of the volunteers and in return some of us get very attached. Love at first sight.

So even though I want babies to stay with their mammas. I do hope when they cant they can find their way to TLC because here we love them sometimes too much.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you can love to much. What do they say: It is better to love and loss then to have never have loved at all. You are all providing a secure feeling in your children even though someday you will all have to part,there emotional health will let them love again. Keep up all the good work!! Can't wait til I can see everyone and your farm in person!
