Wednesday, July 31, 2013

25 Days -- Petting farm

So this one Saturday Laila and I took the lions out. We went to a petting farm just down the road. We packed a lunch and had a great afternoon. While eating lunch a pony stopped by our table kind of scared the kids. But later in the day they surprised us by making friends with another pony.  Its so nice to get out with them and do something normal. We even took a tractor ride, fed pigs and played a bit on the playground. It was a really nice day.

26days -- Night shift

So one week a month a volunteer is to do a week of nights. Its a dreaded thing by most. I was made a leader soon after getting here. So I am lucky enough to have done more night shifts than the average volunteer.

On NS we clean the whole nursery. We folds loads and loads of laundry. We put our clothes for the next day for the kids. We feed babies. Rock babies. Neb babies. We restock nappies, formula and food. Its all about getting the place ready for another day.

The hardest part of NS is the sleeping. And the missing out on what is happening during the day. I use to sleep great during the day when I first started but now I don’t so much. But I always make myself stay in bed so I don’t get tired at 2am and want to sleep. That happen anyways. I usually bake to keep myself awake. If I sit on the couch I would be out.

The best part of NS is about 530 when you are almost done and the kids are waking up. There is a bit of snuggle/play time. Just a bit of special time before the day starts. The other best part is if your favorite is on regular formula feeds. That means you get to spend all night with them. Feeding and snuggling.

The worst parts are; Walks to laundry in the dark, noises in the night, the cold now that its winter, sleeping during the day and not really seeing the kids for a week.

Monday, July 29, 2013


A trip to an elephant sanctuary. Such a good day.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

28 Days Baked goods.

I have been able to make some cakes and cookies while being here. I try to bake some goodies for my fellow volunteers.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

29 Days The animals.

There are so many around the farm. Here are a few.

4 Tortoises

about 2000 chickens a month.

Many goats.

Lots of dogs

Also Cows, geese, and soon a horse.

Friday, July 26, 2013

30 days Christmas morning.

Christmas morning with the kids was amazing. It was so different then Christmas that I am use to but it was good. Lots of fun. Many toys and clothes.

31 Days. The LIONS.

 Sorry this post is a day late due to a very busy day yesterday. Two will be posted today.

Finally the last group we have are the Lions. They are 2-3 years. Right now they are my favorite group. They go to preschool in the mornings. My favorite is evening with the lions. Lion Shower and prayer time. Its so sweet to hear them thank God for the little things in life.  Things we take for granted. The lions love to play dog, jump on the trampoline, visit the baby cow at P’s house, and have bonfires.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

32 Days Creepies.

The next group is the CREEPIES. These kids are from 1 year to 2 years. They are the walkers. Some come into the group not walking but all learn how soon after that. There is creepy school in the morning for them. Its more like intentional play time. But more effort is put into those hours. We do extra special stuff then. We learn colors. Or try. We learn words. That is the biggest milestone that is worked on in the creepy group. Talking. Right now the group is doing a lot of jabbering. Its really cute but there are words that most of them know. Dog, Ball, More. This is also the group where we start to teach discipline and what no means. We go on walks and jump on the trampoline. Its a fun age. They are learning and discovering so much.

My first creepy group.

My girl with all the boys.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

33 Days The Grubs.

When the babies are done with weaning and eating all baby food and cereal they become Grubs. This happens around 5-6 months. These kids are getting teeth, learning to crawl and sit and sometimes walk. They can hold their own bottles. Its a fun age. Right now we have three walkers so we are chasing them all the time and having to make sure the baby gate is closed at all times or they end up outside by the pool. I don’t get to be in this room too much these days but enjoy it when I do.

Monday, July 22, 2013

34 Days Fledgies.

Now when our babies get to big for the nest or too board in there they go to the Grubs room to become Fledgies. Here they are in the same room as the Grubs (tomorrow). Fledgies are between 3-6 months and are still on hourly feeds. When they get close to moving out they start eating baby food little by little. The most exciting part of this group is that the kids now wear normal cloths. In the nest they were in pjs all say here they wear jeans and dresses. And we can take them out now.

tummy  time

Sunday, July 21, 2013

35 Days The Nest

The Nest is where we keep or little ones. 0-3 months is the usual time. But, there are exceptions. We have a 4 month old right now because her was born very prem. Also my little girl was in there when she first came to us because she was so malnourished. Our nesties get fed every 3-4 hours. I really enjoy the nest. Sitting a rocking holding a little one. There are times that I don’t like it like when 5 babies are crying and screaming at one time. But the good out weighs the bad. Its very exciting to be in the next when a new baby arrives. I have been able to experience that twice since being next trained. Both were girls. One I got to give her her first bath ever. Its so fun to see them and bath them and officially dress and welcome them to TLC. I work in the nest about 3-4 hours most days.

 Photo: Happy Mandela Day everyone!!!

my first two nesties

Saturday, July 20, 2013

36 Days -- A winter walk

A few days ago I had special time with my special someone. Since this was the first special time since she started wakling I decided to go for a walk with her. The weather was nice the sun was out and it was a great hour spent. Some walking, some cuddling, some exploring.