Friday, July 5, 2013

Is it normal???

Is it normal to know just how long to heat 120ml of formula?
Is it normal to flip kids upside down to smell their bums for a poo?
Is it normal to bath 8 2 year olds at one time?
Is it normal to be in your pjs at 730 on a Friday night and asleep by 800?
Is it normal to know the color of bottles assigned to the babies as far back as September?
Is it normal to what dummies what babies like? All 20 of them.
Is it normal to not mind ants that fall onto my toast in the morning from the syrup bottle?
Is it normal to think its normal to but 3 babies in a stroller made for one?
Is it normal to be in a room for 4 hrs with 5 babies under 4 months, just you and them?
Is it normal to be responsible for babies 20 minutes after you get up?
Is it normal that your idea of getting out is a mall visit with a year old attached?
Is it normal to see buggers inside a nose and have the need to pick them out?
Is it normal to not know what day of the week it is?
Is it normal to wear clothes over and over and over even thought hey have cereal, spit up and who knows what else on them? As long as they don’t smell they are clean. They are just going to get dirty again tomorrow.
Is it normal to eat grilled cheese for breakfast and dinner and be excited about it because you haven’t seen cheese in a week?
Is it normal to tell 2 year olds to “get naked” on a daily basis?

Just the normal life here at TLC but normal on the outside.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like a mom! A mom of more kids than "normal" but a mom nonetheless! And you are a loving momma to these kids. <3
