Sunday, October 9, 2011

active waiting

I find myself waiting again. This time I am not waiting on humans but on the Lord. I suppose that is better though. I am trying to decided if it should be a still wait or a active wait.

Do I rest and wait till I get full directions on when and where to go? 

Or do I keep knocking on doors till I find one that opens?

This is something that I have always wonder about. I want to life for the Lord. I want my life to be what He wants it to be and not what I want it to be. What does that look like when I don’t know what He wants yet?  I know that the Lord has put Africa in and on my heart. I want to be back there more than anything else in life right now. I also know that He knows the desires of my heart (He kind of put them there). He doesn’t forget.

His time is perfect. I know that He and His plan is far better than mine. So do I rest and wait or continue to knock on doors?

Just a few thoughts on a sunday evening.


  1. Sweet Becca, the extent to which I relate to this blog post is ridiculous. Know you're not alone in the waiting, and in the wonder how to wait, and in the seeking His will, not your own, but wondering if maybe they're the same thing in this case. Praying for you!

  2. I relate to this sooo much Becca. Let's take Josie Huss out for coffee (hot chocolate? Tea? Dinner? Breakfast?) sometime. I miss you big sister!
