Tuesday, October 4, 2011

They are worth it.

Yesterday I promised you another blog. I will try to explain my heart as best as I can.

This weekend I heard a comment that went straight to my heart. This comment went something like this: “We don’t take HIV+ kids because they don’t have a future. They are just going to die.”  This was relating to orphanages that an organization has over in Africa. The goal of their schools are to raise and teach children who can change their country and the cycle that they are in.

Why did this hurt? Well, for starters, who is to say how long any kids with HIV will live. With the ARVs and other drugs out there they could live long into adulthood. In those years they can change their country. And, I believe the world.

How much more powerful would it be for a HIV+ person to spread the message of HOPE and change?

I have worked with many HIV+ children. Most of them I never knew they were + but each of them changed me and how I think.

Aren’t we all going to die? Even people without HIV. Sorry but its the truth. And the truth is none of us know how long. We could be out lived by HIV+ orphans. If that was a reason not to let children have a education or chance in the world why do any children go to school? Why has my sister spent the past four years paying for higher education to be able to teach in schools if her students are just going to die.

Now the biggest thing that bugs me about this whole thing is these people have decided that these children are not worth their time, money and energy. They like a lot in the world are walking past these children. They are punishing these children for something that wasn’t their fault. Just about all children under the age of 5 cannot be blamed for their HIV status. Most get it from their mothers and others unfortunately get it from being abused. Who are we to make them suffer for that. They are still children who can laugh, sing, play, learn, skip, and anything else that other children around the world does. So why cant they go to school and get an education? Why cant they be loved?

Well I want to love them. I already do. When I heard this said something in me stirred. Something wanted to go out and do something about it right now. But till I have direction on what that is I will pray. And I ask you to pray with me. Pray that they will be loved and that those who think HIV+ orphans are untouchables will see the truth. That they are worth our wile and our time and our money and our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. “We don’t take HIV+ kids because they don’t have a future. They are just going to die.” Reading that broke my heart. Praying for those precious children with you, Becca! I'm sorry things at Rafiki House didn't work out, but God's will is always the best place to be, and it sounds like His will wasn't for you to be with that organization. I am excited to see where He is going to lead you though. I have no doubt it will be life-changing, impacting, and will draw you closer to His heart.
