Tuesday, October 30, 2012


ubuntu |oŏˈboŏntoō|
a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity.

Ubuntu (Zulu/Xhosa pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼú]; English: /uˈbʊntuː/ oo-BUUN-too) or "uMunthu" (Chichewa) is an African ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. Some believe that ubuntu is a classical African philosophy or worldview[1] whereas others point out that the idea that ubuntu is a philosophy or worldview developed in written sources during the second half of the 1900s.[2] The word ubuntu has its origins in the Bantu languages of southern Africa.

What we came up with. 

Family, Loving each other, influence, connection, respect, honesty, sharing, belonging

"We can be human only together", 
"I cant be myself without you being yourself" 
"Its asking more of ourselves that others."
"A person is only a person because of other persons."

We spent our volunteers weekend looking at this word and what it means and what it looks like for us. As a team. As a family. In the nursery. In our cottages. At TLC. 

It was a good weekend getaway. Relaxing, not having to worry about the kids. Like parents, we talked about the kids in almost every conversation. But it was great to be just us To get to know each other a bit better and to just have fun. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Back on day shift.

I haven't blogged in a while. Sorry. I just got off Night Shift. So I didn't have much time to use internet or write a blog. My days were spent sleeping or trying to sleep.

Its so nice to be back on days and with the kids. Its surprising how much you miss them for the week when working nights. You don't see many of the older ones till morning. The lions like to get up around 5am. So there is an hour in there that we were able to just sit on the couch and read books together. Some good cuddle time.

One thing that I have come to really enjoy doing is the Girls hair. Well just the ones with long enough hair to do. The kids all got hair cuts so I am down to one. Its fun to make them look all pretty. I have to say I impress myself each time. A white girl doing black girls hair. I really just do it how I would mine and it turns out good. S doesn't even cry. She wiggles a bit but does great.

This weekend all the volunteers and the kids will be gone from the nursery. Us volunteers are going away for the weekend on a small retreat. We are all looking forward to it. I will be sure to tell you all about it. We are just hoping for some nice weather while we are away. Its been a bit cold here lately. And since we are going to be gone the babies will each go with a family for the weekend. Im sure they will be spoiled and loved on so much. Their routines will be messed up and disrupted but we are all excited. We will miss the babies but are excited to have it just be us.

Prayer Requests: A good weekend filled with bonding and building up of each other. We have a great group right now, so it should be fine. Also for health. The one day bug has hit. I think its just about gone. I didn't get hit and would love to get prayer that I don't. I would love to escape this one. Pray that those kids (we have 2 now) who have families waiting for them can have everything sped up so that they can go home with their forever families soon. The courts shut down in December for the holidays so if they don't go before that then it means they have to wait till Jan or Feb.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saying goodbye to J.

Written Oct 12.
We have had three kids go home with their forever families since I arrived at TLC. This last one was the hardest for me. J was a overall favorite in the nursery. He was an adventurer. He would spend time awake in the night hanging out with the night shift. He just started walking. Just started talking. He always seemed to make a mess drinking his milk out of a sippy cup. Usually shaking it till he was covered. He gave the best hugs. And his talking though you couldn't understand was so cute and uniquely his. In the short time I was blessed to spend with him he made a home in my heart. 

Today saying goodbye was such a special thing to be a part of. There were several of us volunteers there when his parents came to pick him up. We passed him around for final goodbye hugs and kisses. Im sure it was all confusing. Then one final group picture and his parents took him. He went held in his dads arms out our doors and into his new life. 

While I am SO HAPPY and EXCITED for him he will be missed. Already this evening when I put of the pjs that he normally wore on to another child. But tonight he is going to bed (well hopefully) with his mom and dad right there beside him. From what I got to know of them they seem like great people. They will be blessed each day by J. His life and theirs will never be the same. 

Lord, Look after them in the coming weeks as they all adjust to their new family. Help J to love them and find comfort and security in their arms. THANK YOU for giving J a forever family. Amen.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Glen

Once a week we get a day off. Its always well needed working 10 hour days the other six days. So off days usually look like sleeping in. Anything past 530 is sleeping in. (Dad you should be proud. I'm almost a morning person.) Then relaxing. Skype is always in there somewhere and now baking will be for me. Well this past Wednesday we went to the local mall. There were 5 of us. The night shift ladies and then the two of us who had the day off. We took with us 5 of the babies. You know when you are attached to the kids when you find yourself with them even on off days. They are just too cute to leave behind and not see everyday.

So the 5 of us. See above. Got up early and got our babies ready for the day. Packed a nappy bag and fixed bottles for the day. Figured out how we were going to carry them. Stroller or not. We decided on just using carriers. Then went out to meet our driver. Only he wasn’t there he was at the airport picking up someone but couldn’t find them. So after moving around schedules. Anne and Zoe were able to take us. R and D fell asleep in the car. Too cute. So did M and C. But once at the mall, which is called The Glen, they were all open eyes and looking around.

Walking through the mall you could tell who was okay with white girls carrying black babies. We had a few comments. One lady kept saying “bless you” and “You can’t blame the babies”. I know that everyone who saw us had something to think about. That may be my favorite thing about having them with us. It would make one wonder why we had them. Are they ours?  That question was asked to almost all of us. We always explained that we worked at a children’s home.

We ate at a cafe for lunch each of us with a baby on our laps. Well except for M he’s a little big. My little one sat on one knee the whole time content. She did so good. I loved carrying her around. She slept a lot. So precious.

It was a good experience. I would do it again for sure. Having a baby didn’t stop me from getting my errands done. It just gave me a glimpse into what a real mom would experience on a daily basis. I know she isn’t my baby. But she has my heart and I love her and loved spending the day with her.

After I hung our new mirror in our bathroom. We didn’t have one. Its nice to know what we look like now. Oh the little things that make you happy in life. And then I skyped with my mom then went to see the other kids and went to a donut party in the evening. It was a good day off. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lions Nap Time.

Written October 7th.

There must be a trick to getting six kids (Ages 2-3) to take a nap at the same time in the same room. But I don't know what it is. Yesterday was a rare day in which they all nodded off. Usually after I have read three books they are all wide awake. Maybe one is asleep. The other five proceed to make as much noise while laying in bed as they possibly can. The twins usually food wrestle. James and Lewis usually have their heads never on their pillow and hands in the air. James also loves to talk while having two fingers in his mouth. Not sure how its possible. If I tell Sally to close her eyes and sleep she will close her eyes tight and stay like that for about a minute then open them and continue to lay there with her feet on the wall by her bed.

I have been on Lions nap for the last 8 out of 10 days I think. Its beginning to be a pattern. One that I am becoming more okay with. At first it was really frustrating. I was becoming the bad guy. The one that always yelled at them. Or so that is how I feel they see me.

It is like i was back in Jbay at Ithemba with my kids. There I was the only one who would discipline the kids. It was an internal struggle that I fought of whether they knew I loved them.

Its that way again. But this time I have experience of Ithemba and knowing how much those kids loved me and knew I loved them even if I had to punish them at times. I also have this cool bubble gun that I attack them with at the end of nap time along with some tickles and kisses. A good balance of serious and fun. They are a great group of kids. Each one their own person. I think that I will continue to be on Lion's nap time. They tend to like to use some consistency with the lions. Since I am here for a year Im consistency.

Prayers would be appreciated as to how to deal with each kid at nap time. Our biggest thing is they need not to nap in the morning at school. That would be a brilliant start. That was the case yesterday. So they were all tired at lunch just in time for naps.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Lord is here.

I get reminded every time I finish a long and stressful day. There are and always will be moments that you could not get through if the Lord wasn't present. They don't even have to be HUGE moments. Life changing moments. It could be little ones. Like today when all the Grubs kept crying. And they had no reason (that I could see or tell) for the tears. Or when one of the lions went overboard into the pool and I had to act quick to rescue him. Or when one of the kids have a really messy, smelly, gross poo and I get to change the nappy. Or when you put three kids in a stroller and it decided to break and one falls out the back. Or relaxing drinking Milo (kind of like Hot chocolate) with co-volunteers and laughing after a long day. 

So many moments in my day would go terribly wrong if the Lord wasn't with me. Don't get me wrong there are times when I feel as if he has left or is just watching to see what I will do. Mostly that is Lion nap time when no one wants to sleep. But even that was better today. 

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear, do not be discouraged.For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  WHAT TRUTH!

Monday, October 1, 2012

A few pics.

A walk to chase chickens for a bit.
Bath time is fun and everyone walks away getting wet.
What a cutie.
Bedtime bottle.