Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lions Nap Time.

Written October 7th.

There must be a trick to getting six kids (Ages 2-3) to take a nap at the same time in the same room. But I don't know what it is. Yesterday was a rare day in which they all nodded off. Usually after I have read three books they are all wide awake. Maybe one is asleep. The other five proceed to make as much noise while laying in bed as they possibly can. The twins usually food wrestle. James and Lewis usually have their heads never on their pillow and hands in the air. James also loves to talk while having two fingers in his mouth. Not sure how its possible. If I tell Sally to close her eyes and sleep she will close her eyes tight and stay like that for about a minute then open them and continue to lay there with her feet on the wall by her bed.

I have been on Lions nap for the last 8 out of 10 days I think. Its beginning to be a pattern. One that I am becoming more okay with. At first it was really frustrating. I was becoming the bad guy. The one that always yelled at them. Or so that is how I feel they see me.

It is like i was back in Jbay at Ithemba with my kids. There I was the only one who would discipline the kids. It was an internal struggle that I fought of whether they knew I loved them.

Its that way again. But this time I have experience of Ithemba and knowing how much those kids loved me and knew I loved them even if I had to punish them at times. I also have this cool bubble gun that I attack them with at the end of nap time along with some tickles and kisses. A good balance of serious and fun. They are a great group of kids. Each one their own person. I think that I will continue to be on Lion's nap time. They tend to like to use some consistency with the lions. Since I am here for a year Im consistency.

Prayers would be appreciated as to how to deal with each kid at nap time. Our biggest thing is they need not to nap in the morning at school. That would be a brilliant start. That was the case yesterday. So they were all tired at lunch just in time for naps.


  1. Nap is never my favorite part of the day... It always takes a lot longer then one thinks to get kids asleep. If someone gave me the chance to sleep I would be asleep in no time. Oh if only the Lions knew what it was like not to have a nap then they might like it more. Just know I am doing the same thing with my kids on the other side of the world and some days I spend 40 minutes trying to put one child asleep. Oh yes it is frustrating.
    I will be praying for you and your kiddos

  2. Yep, nap time is my favorite but only AFTER kids are asleep! Lol. And lately my kids havent been all napping together so, needless to say, I haven't been napping either...but I'm glad you're consistently loving on the lions. They need that so much. They need YOU!!

  3. so good to read these. I had tried several times to get on the blog but apparently was not doing it right for it was all from times before. It is hard to be technologically challeneged! ha ha Thanks to Katie for posting this link. Sigh. Praise God for your work, Rebecca. I remember doing two babies and it was not easy. But you are doing so much all day long. It is great, but tiring,and and I'm sure at times, you'd like a very long break. May God refesh you! love--Betty Ruth

  4. Thanks guys. They actually slept today. Yeah! Such a good feeling that when I get done with my book (I always read to them) they are all sleeping.

  5. I think it is interesting, we all have struggled over nap time no matter where we are in the world. Cultures may be so different but we all have so many similarities. It is hard for little ones to let go,trust and give up the control on their lives (Adults also struggle here-I'm a big one with this). I think it is cool that you shared this with us and the next day there was peace...they all drifted off to sleep. I wonder if they are beginning to trust you and your voice brings a peace. You are good for them. Now it is truly hard to have 2 good nap days in a row, but anything is possible with God at your side. May your voice continue to bring security and love to your little people. I'm proud of you!

  6. As a mother, one thing I can to you is to keep shooting for the consistency that you and your fellow coworkers are. That's where the key is at. No two children are the same, whether they are your kids or someone else's but every child responds to consistency. If you're consistent with your whole nap routine, you'll get there. Though, I cannot say when. Everything with children takes patience ;).
