Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saying goodbye to J.

Written Oct 12.
We have had three kids go home with their forever families since I arrived at TLC. This last one was the hardest for me. J was a overall favorite in the nursery. He was an adventurer. He would spend time awake in the night hanging out with the night shift. He just started walking. Just started talking. He always seemed to make a mess drinking his milk out of a sippy cup. Usually shaking it till he was covered. He gave the best hugs. And his talking though you couldn't understand was so cute and uniquely his. In the short time I was blessed to spend with him he made a home in my heart. 

Today saying goodbye was such a special thing to be a part of. There were several of us volunteers there when his parents came to pick him up. We passed him around for final goodbye hugs and kisses. Im sure it was all confusing. Then one final group picture and his parents took him. He went held in his dads arms out our doors and into his new life. 

While I am SO HAPPY and EXCITED for him he will be missed. Already this evening when I put of the pjs that he normally wore on to another child. But tonight he is going to bed (well hopefully) with his mom and dad right there beside him. From what I got to know of them they seem like great people. They will be blessed each day by J. His life and theirs will never be the same. 

Lord, Look after them in the coming weeks as they all adjust to their new family. Help J to love them and find comfort and security in their arms. THANK YOU for giving J a forever family. Amen.


  1. so hard to say goodbye to a child, but so sweet that the child is going to a forever family! thinking of you and praying for you.. we have a little girl here in the hospital, and she's not doing good. we're worried about having to make a goodbye.. a very different kind of goodbye. But again, there are no goodbye's in the Lord, right? just a reminder that this world isn't our forever home, but a temporary place before we're at home with Him.
    love you! and loving your blogposts. sorry i'm doing a crap job at writing you.. i'll get better at it soon, i hope. and if not, come March i'll be writing you like crrrazy :)

  2. Haha. Its okay I read everyone of your blogs but am doing a terrible job commenting. Im going to work on that.

  3. Becca--I adore your blog. And even more I adore your heart for these kids! It's so amazing to see how the Lord is working through you there. You have a mother's heart! I love you sweet friend!Praying for you and the kiddos!

  4. Awe thanks lolo. Its so much fun each day even if they are long hard days. I am loving it. But being back here makes me miss my SA teams.

  5. hey Becca
    I love your blog! and love that mr JJ is part of your ocotober post.
    tell everyone in the famiily about the blog. if they reads your blog and posts they learn the lovly TLC that Jabu was apart of in his first 14 months of his life, and his TLC family to know. he turn 2 year this friday (2. og aug)and we
    look forward to celebrate him and hs first birthday as a family with all his grandparents.
    lots of thought and love to you and TLC
    Anne Sofie and mr Jabu(Twala)Jensen
