Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking back at 2012

It’s almost 2013. This year has blown by so quickly. What a year of change it has been for me.

I started 2012 saying goodbye to and watching my little sister move away from home and grow up.
I held a full time job in the food industry. Okay I was a lunch lady at the local community college but I learned a lot.
I took up sewing and made three quilts and many other little things.
I said goodbye to the most wonderful caring lady ever- My grandma.
I along with my sister stood up and told why she was the most wonderful and caring lady ever.
I took my first train trip across country to spend a week with my sister.
I took many evening walks with my best friend and her two sweethearts.
I met my new niece.
I catered and delivered food on a military base.
I watched a baby cardinal grow and leave its nest to fly free.
I baked a lot of cakes.
I entered a cheesecake contest.
I flew solo internationally.
I met and am living with some amazing people from all over taking care of some of the sweetest cutest little kids ever.
I have jumped in mud puddles to make a few of those kids laugh.
I have witnessed the most beautiful smiles.
I have watched 10 kids be welcomed into forever families.
I have seen 10 sets of parents become the happiest people on earth.
I have seen my brother (Joe) return to our home.

2012 has been challenging. But it has been rewarding. There are many more things that I have done this year. And I know the Lord was in each one. And will continue to be with me and you in 2013.

“ strong and courgageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, December 25, 2012



May we all remember what this day is truely all about. The greatest Gift of all. JESUS. 

A few fun pictures from this morning.
Before presents were opened.

Maybe the hat was a little big.

In a box.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 This blog was written over a few months. Just a couple priceless moments.

Oct 25  As I was sitting on the porch at the office checking facebook and email for updates from home. I look thru the office window to the other side where the lions and tigers are at preschool. Todays activity. Cookie Dough. I had given their teachers, Laila and Jedidah a recipe I had with no eggs. Totally edible. My curiosity got to me. I had to slip into class and help out. So I shut my computer and sneaked over there. Outside of course were 4 tables set up with excited children around them. Paired up and anxious for their cookies. After flour, sugar, sprinkles, butter and vanilla were passed out then came the fun part. The mixing. With hands. Some were hesitant some dove right in. All ate probably too much, including me. But who can resist cookie dough. With hands covered in the mixture with bright sprinkles in it, bellies full, and smiles on faces makes it all worth it not to be sleeping in bed during break. Its these moments that I am so glad that the Lord called me to TLC this year.

Nov 3. I have been on Lions bedtime for a few days now. But tonight was the best. J wouldn’t let go of my hand while cuddling in his bed. Its such a feeling to know that they need you. That you being there makes them feel safe and secure. I would have stayed and held hands with him all night if I could. This moment made a long day worth it.

Nov 22. Thanksgiving.  All the food was prepared and even loaded in the van. Then the rains begin. Like hard rain. We pull the van as close as we can to the nursery. Then with pies and green bean casserole in hand we ran to the creepy room. Flip flops thrown to the side. Sweatshirt soaked. But the food all made it to the table. The table filled with food was soon surrounded by friends. Some learned that Jello is a salad. Some had stuffing for the fist time. Food was enjoyed, laughs we had, wine was sipped. Being away from home and America this was a good alternative. This showed me that this is feeling more like home. It was a good end to the day.

Dec 17. We didn’t have a cook it was nap time and a meal needed preparing. But there was a baby not sleeping. So like an African mama I attached him to my back with a blanket and we headed to the kitchen. He helped me make tomato basil soup. Its these moments that make being here worth it.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Some ABC'S of life at TLC.

A great group of volunteers to live and work with from all over the world.

Baking cookies and cakes on night shift, days off and nap times.
Cooking in a microwave because that is all our cottage has.
Dinners of two minute noodles because you just cant eat another meal of rice and stew.
Early mornings (530) are normal and easy.
Forever families on adoption week, blessing us and thanking us for taking care of their kid till they could themselves.
Goats, geese, chickens, pigs all passed daily on the walk to work.

Hugs and kisses whenever you want them or need them.
In three months finally being use to not closing the microwave after use.
Jumping on the trampoline with 7 lions.
Kids everywhere of all ages.
Lack of water for days at a time.
Movie nights, game nights, scrap booking nights and bonfires.
Nappies smelly with poo in the morning, afternoon and night.
Off days at The Glen (the mall near by)
Packages and letter from home always make your day/week.
Quiet moment after a lot of screaming and crying that will always be cherished.
Rain storms that scare you.
Splashes during bath time leaving you soaked.
Thanksgiving dinner cooked by the Americans and shared with 6 other countries.

Undies and flipflops. Must needs for one of our lions when first woken up.
Vomit everywhere on everything on weeks when all is sick.
Wishing you can take each and every kid home with you.
Xylophones being played by grubs. No rhythm. But so cute.
Yearning for more of HIM and needing to spend more time with Him but so tired at the end of the day.
Zealous trips to the outdoor fridge after a food donation to grab ones favorite foods.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Goal is PATIENCE.

The lessons are wide and many.
They are when we take the Creepies for a walk and every 5 minutes we are stopping to get them to keep walking.
They are when all the grubs are crying at the same time.
They are them E cries and cries and I don’t know what to do but hold and rock.
They are when B wees all over the changing table.
They are when the lions wont sleep at nap time.
They are when F doesn’t want to listen to me but gives me the biggest smile.
They are when A takes FOREVER to eat.
They are when G or H has the hiccups and I feel helpless.
They are when the Lions see the water in the memory garden and continue to play in it.
They are when I know a package is one the way but it doesn’t show up for over a month.
They are when our ride to the Glen is over an hour late.
They are when someone tries to tell me how to bake or use the oven.
They are when there is no water or electricity because of a big storm.
They are when I really want D to start crawling but all she does is roll and spin.
They are when German is spoken in the Nursery.
They are when I feel like I am being judged for being Me and Loving HIM. 
They are when I don’t get prayer and questions answered right away.
They are when I feel my throat getting sick again.
They are when all I want to do is run home for a big hug from my daddy.
L and I wading in the stream.

Each day it seems that I am tested. The kids are good at it. The Lord is good at it. All I can do is try each day to be better at patience than the last.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Its day 91. I have been here almost 3 months. Days seems to be easier now. I remember that first week. Being overwhelmed, tired and unsure. I'm still tired. Taking care of kids is tiring. But, I am no longer overwhelmed or unsure. In three months I have learned what each child needs.
Whether its a couple extra minutes to wake up after nap so they aren't grumpy.
Or a confident voice telling them that they need to get into the bathroom.
Or maybe I just need to kiss all of their owies before they can fall asleep at night.
Or hold their hand so that they know someone is there as they drift off to sleep.
Or maybe its a chase around the garden with a tickle at the end after I tell them for the 15th time to get their fingers out of their mouth. Just so they know I DO love them.

In three months you learn that the schedule is a guide line. You don't have to follow it to point. We are after all working with kids not robots. Sometimes they need to just sit down and relax. Which is what we did during our morning nap this morning.

Its been a really good three months. I have been able to see over 10 kids go home to forever families. I have helped welcome 6 new babies to our family here at TLC. I have made friends with people all over Europe. I have been able to return to the the Country that stole my heart. Though its not the same as where I lived before the people are still beautiful. The sunsets and rises are more colorful. The stars brighter.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Three questions.

A couple days ago A friend asked me a few questions about my time here. Thought I would share with you.

What is God teaching me? On a daily basis Patience is a huge thing. It's hard working with kids and not having any. I catch myself taking my frustration out on them. Which isn't good. Or like today when we went for a walk. Should we really expect one and a half year olds to walk perfectly for a half hour. We always do. "Yelling" at them to keep walking. What is wrong with stopping to write in the dirt or pick up rocks. We have nowhere to go.

How is this different than any of my other Africa experiences? Not being surrounded by a team of Christians to pray, laugh, cry, talk, dream, hope, live with. Totally different living with lots of different people from all over. So many different views on things and values.

Favorite memory so far?  I don't know this is a tough one. This week Wednesday I and two others went for a hike with some kids at he local nature preserve. It was a great day. I took L. She is about 1 1/2. A little grumpy in the beginning. But ended up falling asleep while I carried her. Then we all had a nice picnic snack and played in the stream for a bit. Then I carried her "African Mama" style all the way back about 30 min. She fell asleep. It felt so right. So normal. That is a top one. But those moments when you walk into a room and a kid calls your name and runs to you for a hug cant be beat. Or when one falls asleep on you. Such good memories. I'm trying to write down all of my Highs on a simi regular basis.

I would love to answer any questions that you have about my time here. I guess I don't think I have anything to say but there is loads. Maybe questions would help.