Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Goal is PATIENCE.

The lessons are wide and many.
They are when we take the Creepies for a walk and every 5 minutes we are stopping to get them to keep walking.
They are when all the grubs are crying at the same time.
They are them E cries and cries and I don’t know what to do but hold and rock.
They are when B wees all over the changing table.
They are when the lions wont sleep at nap time.
They are when F doesn’t want to listen to me but gives me the biggest smile.
They are when A takes FOREVER to eat.
They are when G or H has the hiccups and I feel helpless.
They are when the Lions see the water in the memory garden and continue to play in it.
They are when I know a package is one the way but it doesn’t show up for over a month.
They are when our ride to the Glen is over an hour late.
They are when someone tries to tell me how to bake or use the oven.
They are when there is no water or electricity because of a big storm.
They are when I really want D to start crawling but all she does is roll and spin.
They are when German is spoken in the Nursery.
They are when I feel like I am being judged for being Me and Loving HIM. 
They are when I don’t get prayer and questions answered right away.
They are when I feel my throat getting sick again.
They are when all I want to do is run home for a big hug from my daddy.
L and I wading in the stream.

Each day it seems that I am tested. The kids are good at it. The Lord is good at it. All I can do is try each day to be better at patience than the last.


  1. is there a place that no patience are needed? if you were here would you be better off? I don't think so!! Love you and there are hugs to come!

    1. Very poetic. You write very poetic about your life there. I think Patience is one of the toughest lessons. I still struggle with it. I love my work and even after 30 years I feel I am challenged more each day. Somehow the more I do something the more I can expect of myself and question why do I have to struggle. Relaxing and allowing myself share my thoughts with Carol made me feel so much better!! She shared her challenges and I shared mine and we helped each other be recharged. Do you have someone you can talk openly and recharge each other?

  2. you make me tear up! I hope each day is a blessing and you are you always because HE made you special for a purpose only you can do. Love you tons miss our wonderful conversations!!
