Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 This blog was written over a few months. Just a couple priceless moments.

Oct 25  As I was sitting on the porch at the office checking facebook and email for updates from home. I look thru the office window to the other side where the lions and tigers are at preschool. Todays activity. Cookie Dough. I had given their teachers, Laila and Jedidah a recipe I had with no eggs. Totally edible. My curiosity got to me. I had to slip into class and help out. So I shut my computer and sneaked over there. Outside of course were 4 tables set up with excited children around them. Paired up and anxious for their cookies. After flour, sugar, sprinkles, butter and vanilla were passed out then came the fun part. The mixing. With hands. Some were hesitant some dove right in. All ate probably too much, including me. But who can resist cookie dough. With hands covered in the mixture with bright sprinkles in it, bellies full, and smiles on faces makes it all worth it not to be sleeping in bed during break. Its these moments that I am so glad that the Lord called me to TLC this year.

Nov 3. I have been on Lions bedtime for a few days now. But tonight was the best. J wouldn’t let go of my hand while cuddling in his bed. Its such a feeling to know that they need you. That you being there makes them feel safe and secure. I would have stayed and held hands with him all night if I could. This moment made a long day worth it.

Nov 22. Thanksgiving.  All the food was prepared and even loaded in the van. Then the rains begin. Like hard rain. We pull the van as close as we can to the nursery. Then with pies and green bean casserole in hand we ran to the creepy room. Flip flops thrown to the side. Sweatshirt soaked. But the food all made it to the table. The table filled with food was soon surrounded by friends. Some learned that Jello is a salad. Some had stuffing for the fist time. Food was enjoyed, laughs we had, wine was sipped. Being away from home and America this was a good alternative. This showed me that this is feeling more like home. It was a good end to the day.

Dec 17. We didn’t have a cook it was nap time and a meal needed preparing. But there was a baby not sleeping. So like an African mama I attached him to my back with a blanket and we headed to the kitchen. He helped me make tomato basil soup. Its these moments that make being here worth it.


  1. You make me cry! You are truly a mom to these kids that don't have one.

    1. I second KT! They are lucky to have you!!!
