Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking back at 2012

It’s almost 2013. This year has blown by so quickly. What a year of change it has been for me.

I started 2012 saying goodbye to and watching my little sister move away from home and grow up.
I held a full time job in the food industry. Okay I was a lunch lady at the local community college but I learned a lot.
I took up sewing and made three quilts and many other little things.
I said goodbye to the most wonderful caring lady ever- My grandma.
I along with my sister stood up and told why she was the most wonderful and caring lady ever.
I took my first train trip across country to spend a week with my sister.
I took many evening walks with my best friend and her two sweethearts.
I met my new niece.
I catered and delivered food on a military base.
I watched a baby cardinal grow and leave its nest to fly free.
I baked a lot of cakes.
I entered a cheesecake contest.
I flew solo internationally.
I met and am living with some amazing people from all over taking care of some of the sweetest cutest little kids ever.
I have jumped in mud puddles to make a few of those kids laugh.
I have witnessed the most beautiful smiles.
I have watched 10 kids be welcomed into forever families.
I have seen 10 sets of parents become the happiest people on earth.
I have seen my brother (Joe) return to our home.

2012 has been challenging. But it has been rewarding. There are many more things that I have done this year. And I know the Lord was in each one. And will continue to be with me and you in 2013.

“ strong and courgageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9


  1. Oh you make me want to make a list of all I have done in 2012... I feel like 2012 was a very big year for me and maybe 2013 will be even more exciting.

  2. I second KT!!! <3 and miss you. So glad I made it on your list! ;-)

  3. you did so many new things! It is good to remember. love ya--Betty Ruth
