Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Its day 91. I have been here almost 3 months. Days seems to be easier now. I remember that first week. Being overwhelmed, tired and unsure. I'm still tired. Taking care of kids is tiring. But, I am no longer overwhelmed or unsure. In three months I have learned what each child needs.
Whether its a couple extra minutes to wake up after nap so they aren't grumpy.
Or a confident voice telling them that they need to get into the bathroom.
Or maybe I just need to kiss all of their owies before they can fall asleep at night.
Or hold their hand so that they know someone is there as they drift off to sleep.
Or maybe its a chase around the garden with a tickle at the end after I tell them for the 15th time to get their fingers out of their mouth. Just so they know I DO love them.

In three months you learn that the schedule is a guide line. You don't have to follow it to point. We are after all working with kids not robots. Sometimes they need to just sit down and relax. Which is what we did during our morning nap this morning.

Its been a really good three months. I have been able to see over 10 kids go home to forever families. I have helped welcome 6 new babies to our family here at TLC. I have made friends with people all over Europe. I have been able to return to the the Country that stole my heart. Though its not the same as where I lived before the people are still beautiful. The sunsets and rises are more colorful. The stars brighter.

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