Sunday, December 2, 2012

Three questions.

A couple days ago A friend asked me a few questions about my time here. Thought I would share with you.

What is God teaching me? On a daily basis Patience is a huge thing. It's hard working with kids and not having any. I catch myself taking my frustration out on them. Which isn't good. Or like today when we went for a walk. Should we really expect one and a half year olds to walk perfectly for a half hour. We always do. "Yelling" at them to keep walking. What is wrong with stopping to write in the dirt or pick up rocks. We have nowhere to go.

How is this different than any of my other Africa experiences? Not being surrounded by a team of Christians to pray, laugh, cry, talk, dream, hope, live with. Totally different living with lots of different people from all over. So many different views on things and values.

Favorite memory so far?  I don't know this is a tough one. This week Wednesday I and two others went for a hike with some kids at he local nature preserve. It was a great day. I took L. She is about 1 1/2. A little grumpy in the beginning. But ended up falling asleep while I carried her. Then we all had a nice picnic snack and played in the stream for a bit. Then I carried her "African Mama" style all the way back about 30 min. She fell asleep. It felt so right. So normal. That is a top one. But those moments when you walk into a room and a kid calls your name and runs to you for a hug cant be beat. Or when one falls asleep on you. Such good memories. I'm trying to write down all of my Highs on a simi regular basis.

I would love to answer any questions that you have about my time here. I guess I don't think I have anything to say but there is loads. Maybe questions would help.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy that you have been there for almost three months!! I am coming up on my one year mark and it is amazing what I have done with and learned from my kids. I can't wait to hear about all you have done in 6 months and then a year. Your amazing sister. God Bless you :) Love you tons!!
