Friday, September 28, 2012

Commenting on Comments.

So Im in Africa. Must seem like this is getting normal for me. I have only been here 4 times. At the end of this trip I will have spent almost 3 years on this continent. Since Graduating High School I have spent more time out of state then in. I have spent more time away from home. More holidays. More birthdays.

It has gotten easier. But I still LOVE to hear from home.

One easy way to contribute to that is the button just below this blog and all others called "comments".  I would love to hear what you think. Do you have questions about my blog or life for me at TLC? You can just say Hi. I would love to hear from you and know that people read this. And not just on this entry this one time. But on others. It doesn't have to be every one but once in awhile stay a second longer and post a comment.

I challenge you (my readers) to not let a blog go by without a comment for the rest of the year. I don't ask to be love often. But here on the mission field away from support, family, friends, little reminders are always nice.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A few photos of life at TLC

My cottage. My window is on the left.
A hand of hope. She is 7 months old. She is Beautiful.

It was the Lord.

*Written yesterday. Due to sudden power outage I was unable to post till now.

So I sit here in my cottage after an exhausting week of night shift. Everything happened from no power to a baby every night sick with temperature to being vomited on to freezing because of a lack of knowledge of how to use the heater remote to having a cold the entire week. Now that its over I look back and know that it was only the Lord that got us thru each night.

When two babies screamed and cried for 4 hours constantly it was the Lord who finally calmed them so they could sleep.

When out power was out it was the Lord who made our boiled water last thru the day and night so warm bottles could be made for the babies. (We always have hot water boiling in a boiler.)

It was the Lord who kept me going each night even though all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep.

The Lord was the one who provided some peace last night after a long week. Babies slept, power stayed on and all chores done by 1am.

When a baby couldn't sleep so they stayed up and hung out with us  it was the Lord and His Joy that radiated off the child as they would laugh and smile knowing they were special to be up late.

It was the Lord who go us thru mounds and mounds of laundry and sinks full of dishes.

I look around the farm. In the Main house. In the nursery. I see God everywhere. On the farm, He's in the baby goat and piglets. New to life and exploring. He is in the laughter and the questions and the love that you see from the main house children. In the nursery, He's in the volunteers when they hold a crying child or dance and sing even if it looks funny, because it puts a smile on the kids face. He's in the moments when a kid comes up to you and asks for a cuddle or blows you a kiss. He's in those early morning hours where the babies are just starting to get restless and wake up. He's in the BIG and the little. He's present.  I think sometimes I get too busy in my day to see him. I was just putting all my pictures I have taken on my computer and saw God in each one.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Creepies!

Let me tell you about my favorite group of children here at TLC.  They are the creepies. Ages 1-1 1/2 years. 

Leah is a typical african.  Well She will be when she grows up.  She has a big bum, tummy and cheeks. Right now she has four teeth so when she smile it is the cutest thing you have seen. He eyes turn to slits. He cheeks take over her face and her four teeth show. She is a sweetheart. Always giving kisses to others and hugs.  And her laugh is precious. She is a huge helper, always helping push a stroller filled with a younger child on walks.

Barbra does her own thing. When you want her to go left she goes right. When you want her to walk she stands still. It takes a lot of coaxing to get her to follow. A bit hesitant. The other day she was wearing pants that kept falling down. She went on walking around with them around her ankles till she fell over. It was funny. Eventually we found her pants that fit.

Gregory is explained by my favorite shirt for him "Here come trouble"  If someone is not napping- its Greg. If someone is throwing or eating dirt- its Greg. If someone is crying- its Greg. But he is too cute. And he loves his food. Always eating up lunch and dinner and wanting more snack at snack time.

Josh is the littlest full timer we have in creepies. He just moved up from Grubs. He can walk. I have seen it and each day he walks more but always chooses to crawl. He seems to be a favorite of the day volunteers that come once in a while. He is next on the list for adoption so soon he should have a mom and dad. Which is exciting but a little said that we will have to say goodbye to him.

Chris is the oldest.  So smart and always smiling. He is going to start going to preschool with the Lions soon. He has a great laugh.

Allen comes to us for the day from the next farm over. His foster mom helps run the Nursery here at TLC. He is a monkey. Long and lean. He doesn't walk a bit. He is officially the youngest of the group.

Rose is our newest. She and her sister came almost a week ago.  She is an explorer. Since basically everything here is new to her. She is also a sharer. She tries to give her food to others. I think this comes from growing up with no food and having a little sister. Its sweet. She is quite a bit smaller than she should be since her mom drank while pregnant. Still learning her name. Actually she is having to learn the english language. But she is doing great and fitting in just fine. Leah always goes up to her and says "baby" and gives her a kiss. Too cute.

The creepies are each so different. But so much fun. I pushed them for an hour on the swing the other day each one loving flying high and spinning. They cried when I would take them out.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A day in the life.

So I promised you a better update.

How about what a day is like here. With tidbits of knowledge thrown in.

My alarm goes off at 530am.  I know quite early. I give myself a half hour to get dressed and ready for the day and to walk to the nursery. I live in Calli cottage. When they were built those who donated the money for the cottage got to name it. I am in one of the three down the lane from the main house and Nursery. So I have a 2-4 min walk to and from. On this walk I pass- a garden with three turtles in it. This is a memorial garden for all the children who have passed away. Not sure what the turtles are about but I know my niece would love that I live with turtles in my front yard. Then there is a broken stroller next to a burn barrel. I believe both are not used. Then going up the lane there is a garden on my right the whole way with a bunch of chickens penned in the middle of it. On my left I pass first geese. I asked a friend and we are not sure why they are here. Next is goats. They are milked and the milk then sold. There are babies now. So cute. Then comes the pigs. Also piglets. Not as cute since they roll in the mud all day. The pigs are sold for their meat.  Then there is a break. Next comes some playground equipment with soccer goals, trampoline, and all the essentials. By this time I am near the house. I pass by the main house first then the nursery. These are connected with many entry points. To enter the nursery we go thru the nursery kitchen. Then the fun begins. Already at 6 there are many kids awake. Usually with wee or poo (that is what 1 and 2 are here) filled nappies (diapers). Depending on the group you have, this changes day to day throughout the day, you change nappies, get them dressed and bathe them if it is the smaller ones. Then comes breakfast. Porridge for the little ones and toast for the Lions (that is our oldest group,up to age 4). Then there is milk. They drink a lot thru the day. Some of the milk is bought but some is milked from cows on the farm and processed onsite. (I had to dodge cow pies in the lane returning from dinner tonight). All this before 8. Then for the Lions they have preschool. The Creepies get to play and take a walk for a few hours before morning nap around 1030. The Grubs and fledgies play and hangout inside in the main nursery room.

So then at 1030 or 11 there is nap. Which is preceded by a nappy change. Nappies are changed when a poo is smelled otherwise.  All is recorded and kept on record. So its a memory test every time you change a bunch in a row. I might start carrying a pin and paper with me so I can write it down. Then nap time. Which means cleaning for us volunteers. Sweep and mop floors and pick up toys. Or spend some time washing dishes if need be. There is a specific job for that too. Its called wishy washy. But during naps no one is scheduled for it since we are basically free. Then after naps is a hour or so of play then lunch. Creepies and lions usually eat outside. A picnic each day. I like it. If its raining or cold we move the tables inside.  Lunch for lions and Creepies is whatever the main kitchen cooked for everyone. Big people food. The little ones in Grubs and Fledgies have their food made here. We do not buy premade. Its all home made. It actually looks and smells good. Banana, pumpkin, and mixed vegetable are just a few flavors. After lunch which for the creepies is a task in it self and and a good thing we eat outside. That way we don't have to clean up as much. The afternoon is filled with more playing and walks. A nap thrown in. Then tea and snack after nap. Then more play till dinner at 5. Dinner is eaten in the dining room by the lions. Outside or in depending on weather for the creepies. The Grubs are always inside in the main nursery room. Then after dinner is bath time for the creepies and lion. Then milk, story time and general wind down. By 7 all the kids are in bed and day shift is over and night shift begins.

I usually come home. Back down the lane and get ready for bed. Read and journal and then by 930 at the latest I am sleeping. Sometimes its 830.  As you can see its a busy crazy day running after children, pushing them on the swing, dancing and singing, throwing them in the air...

Then it all starts again the next day. There is usually a two or three hour break in there. Or you start later or get off early. My longest day was 11 hrs.

Hopefully, that gives you a little peak at what it is like for me at TLC.

Its hard work but worth it when you see the kids smile and they ask for a cuddle. Thats what some of the older ones call a hug. I am starting to have favorites. Along with favorite times with the different groups.

 I will try to tell you about some of the children soon. All the names will be changed for privacy reasons but I will try to keep with the same fake name as the year goes so it doesn't get confusing.

Till later.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A week in.

So Im here at the end of my first week. It is my day off. It was a good.
Some long days.
Learning names.
Learning duties.

All the volunteers are great. I am making friends. Its great to be a part of something.

I am at a lack of what to say right now. I promise a better update later on. I need to sit down and type it. But know that I am well and that it is going good here.

How to pray:
For energy for the long days. Yesterday I worked 11 hrs. But so far I have made it thru each day.
Patience -- It will take time for each of the kids to get use to me and see me as an authority figure.
For the two new little ones. They are doing well. Their mom visited the other day and she looked better than we all thought.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I finally arrived. I got in on Saturday late afternoon. Spent the evening unpacking then sleeping. I then had Sunday off. I slept in and finished unpacking. Then went and saw the babies. I had lunch with the Creepy's who are around 2 years. I then relaxed and showered. I then helped change the Lions, our oldest group. We then watched lion king and ate dinner. It was cute to see them react to all of the animals. I then helped put them to bed. All the kids are sweet.

Today has been my first official day. Training in the morning and now on a break and then more training in the afternoon. We have received two new babies. Their mother is dying of Aids. Please pray that this is an easy transition for them.

I know this is short but I promise to have longer next time. I need to get my computer up and running. 

Thanks for all the prayers. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane.

In just over an hour I will be boarding a plane. And tomorrow I will be stepping off and meeting my family for the next year.  I have been in the Dulles Airport since 11 this morning. Sitting and waiting till the next step. My passport has been checked. My carry on weighed ( They are now weighing them, they cant be over 16lbs. Which is impossible. I moved things around three times and finally the lady gave up and allowed me to carry it on. Yeah Jesus. Im sure its still over weight. The worry is that if the the bag were to fall it would would hurt someone or be hard to put back up. Shouldn't they just make sure that their latches are strong.  A little confusing).  Now all that is left is a few calls to family to say goodbye for the last time. Then I will be on my way. 

This opportunity has come so fast.  Four months ago did not I know I was going. I know its the Lord. I have tried to get back on my own and it never worked out. But this did. Everything worked out till the end (even though I am leaving one day later than planned). As I sit here I try to imagine what the next 12 months will be like. Lots of holding babies and playing with toddlers. But there will also be moments of laughter with other volunteers, moments of tears from missing home, moments of success when something new is figured out and accomplished. And through all of that the Lord is with me. 

I have a always will be comforted and spurred on by Joshua 1:9.  Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.   I was just recently given a simple reminder of this from some friends and they didn't even know that this is a verse that always speaks to me. Especially when traveling and doing missions. 

So here goes. I know that it will be a great year. And it will fly by. 

Next blog will be from my new home. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

In HIS time.

So today was to be the day.
I said my goodbyes, got my bags packed, drove to Detroit with Dad, did the last goodbye, then got in line.
That is where the day took a change.

I was told that my first flight was delayed and would not make my second one. That is the one that would get me to Africa. So the next hour and a half or so I stood there while the lady behind the desk figured out how to get me to Joburg. The problem: I checked into my flight last night and they couldn't get a hold of that airline to get me off that flight and on another. So long story short. My dad drove back to the airport and I put my bags back in my car and now I am sitting in my living room yet again.

I will be leaving tomorrow morning.
I will just be delayed a day. I was told that that flight always has problems.

LESSON LEARNED TODAY: Don't check in online the night before when flying internationally. Its just as easy to do at airport.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last Day.

Im down to less than 24 hours.
Bags are basically packed.
All that is left is goodbyes and family dinner.
Oh and a ride to the airport.

Monday, September 3, 2012

It's a GIRL!!!!!

The day has finally come. After waiting 9 months. The last few weeks especially hard. And I'm only the Aunt. 

World please meet my niece TESSA ABIGAIL DONAHUE.  She is Perfect.

Born @ 12:45am this morning (9-3-12(Labor Day)). 8 lb 8 oz, 21 3/4 long.
I met her this morning and couldn't take my eyes off her. It's going to be hard to leave this family on Thursday.  What a blessing they are to me. I couldn't ask for a better friend than Sarah. Even though we are at different places in life we are still close and I think always will be. And her three kids are shining lights in this world. Sophie with a "I can do anything" attitude, Deklan with sweet heart and now Tessa. Can't wait to see what a beautiful girl she grows up to be. Can't forget their daddy, Matt, who has always been like a older brother to me. I love you all and will miss you each very much. 

oops, Aunt Becca used flash baby Tessa didn't like it.
Soph is going to be a GREAT big sister.