Friday, September 28, 2012

Commenting on Comments.

So Im in Africa. Must seem like this is getting normal for me. I have only been here 4 times. At the end of this trip I will have spent almost 3 years on this continent. Since Graduating High School I have spent more time out of state then in. I have spent more time away from home. More holidays. More birthdays.

It has gotten easier. But I still LOVE to hear from home.

One easy way to contribute to that is the button just below this blog and all others called "comments".  I would love to hear what you think. Do you have questions about my blog or life for me at TLC? You can just say Hi. I would love to hear from you and know that people read this. And not just on this entry this one time. But on others. It doesn't have to be every one but once in awhile stay a second longer and post a comment.

I challenge you (my readers) to not let a blog go by without a comment for the rest of the year. I don't ask to be love often. But here on the mission field away from support, family, friends, little reminders are always nice.


  1. You know me I always have comments. I will say them out loud in the blog for you. You are LOVED and missed. These kids are very lucky to have you with them!!! You are always in my thoughts and prayers

  2. I think that you should go see some real lions before the year is up, since you work with lions.

  3. Cuddling with baby Tessa right now and wishing we could go for a walk or watch a movie. Miss you and love reading your blogs!! <3

  4. Becca! I'm just not catching up on your blog. South Africa sounds so so wonderful! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to read every post as you post it.. or comment on very many posts :( I'll get better at this come March I'm sure.
    Thinking of you lots and praying for you! Your pictures are so precious.
    With lots of love

  5. So good to read about your adventures!
