Friday, September 7, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane.

In just over an hour I will be boarding a plane. And tomorrow I will be stepping off and meeting my family for the next year.  I have been in the Dulles Airport since 11 this morning. Sitting and waiting till the next step. My passport has been checked. My carry on weighed ( They are now weighing them, they cant be over 16lbs. Which is impossible. I moved things around three times and finally the lady gave up and allowed me to carry it on. Yeah Jesus. Im sure its still over weight. The worry is that if the the bag were to fall it would would hurt someone or be hard to put back up. Shouldn't they just make sure that their latches are strong.  A little confusing).  Now all that is left is a few calls to family to say goodbye for the last time. Then I will be on my way. 

This opportunity has come so fast.  Four months ago did not I know I was going. I know its the Lord. I have tried to get back on my own and it never worked out. But this did. Everything worked out till the end (even though I am leaving one day later than planned). As I sit here I try to imagine what the next 12 months will be like. Lots of holding babies and playing with toddlers. But there will also be moments of laughter with other volunteers, moments of tears from missing home, moments of success when something new is figured out and accomplished. And through all of that the Lord is with me. 

I have a always will be comforted and spurred on by Joshua 1:9.  Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.   I was just recently given a simple reminder of this from some friends and they didn't even know that this is a verse that always speaks to me. Especially when traveling and doing missions. 

So here goes. I know that it will be a great year. And it will fly by. 

Next blog will be from my new home. 

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