Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 6&7

6. A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

This is Lusanda. One of the ladies that led Ithemba After School Program where I worked in South Africa. Why would I switch with her?  Switching with her means I could spend a day with my kids again. It would be a great day to be loved by and love on the kids of Tokyo Sexwale again. I miss them.

7.A picture of your most treasured item. 

So this may seem like the perfect answer for a Christian. But when I thought about this question it seemed right. Other things that came to mind like my MacBook, car, phone, teddy bear that I have had since I was one. These can all be replaced. But my bible can't. I have other bibles but this one has notes all over the empty spaces. Its been around the world with me. Been with me thru hard times and celebrations.

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