Tuesday, November 8, 2011

called vs commissioned

 call |kôl|
1 [ trans. ] cry out to (someone) in order to summon them or attract their attention

commission |kəˈmi sh ən| (abbr.: comm.)
1 the authority to perform a task or certain duties.
• an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people
• bring (a warship) into readiness for active service

On Sunday, pastor stepped back and allowed someone else to speak. This man gave his testimony of the past 20 years or so. Something stuck to me. The difference between being called and being commissioned. You see I know I am called to Africa. I have no doubt. I use to think that meant that I was to go there now and start what I am suppose to. Now I don't believe that He has commissioned me yet. He has given me the heart, passion and love for the country, people, and way of life. But, He hasn't told me directly "Go, Now."(I don't believe)

I feel like that word NOW is important. I know He is telling me to Go. But if I were to go at any time other than the Lord's timing I wouldn't be in His will. And I don't want to be out of His will. If I were to go tomorrow to Africa I would be doing a great thing. I would be helping out, I may even be saving lives. But if I wait for His timing and His commissioning there may be(there is) something greater for me. Something greater for me to do.

So for now I will be secure in my calling to Africa and waiting for the commission. I will take this time to prepare and learn what I can for it may help me in my future mission.

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