Sunday, November 27, 2011

Truely thanking HIM.

Tomorrow is the Monday after Thanksgiving. Which in my little town means the annual Christmas parade. Will I go? Probably not. I get off work at 7 and will be getting into town just as it starts. But, I do remember years of standing on the side of Main Street bundled up with snowflakes falling down. It was always fun and I got excited for it as it came around each year.

This year I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is over. This year is flying by. Thursday I promised a Thanksgiving blog. This is my attempt.
My mission trip to Uganda this summer (really all of my mission trips) have given me a greater appreciation for the things I have.

Right now today I am thankful for...

a house to live in with a family that loves me.
moments with my nephew like today in church.
a warm bed, especially as winter is coming.
a dog who will lay at/on my feet as I watch tv.
the blessing of relationships in my life. Like those who I have been with and led on trips.
the ability to cook something that makes someone happy.
hot showers.
hugs .
my computer that allows me to keep in contact with my numerous friends, family, siblings, and contacts all around the world.
my sister.
years that I had with my grandma, shopping for groceries, cooking in the kitchen, even road trips.
the small voice that guides me in life.
Christ sacrificing himself so that I and you can be free from sin.
the ability to make the quilt that right now keeps me warm on a cool evening.

I know that there is so much more that I am thankful for. This is just a small list. I think that Thanksgiving comes and goes for a lot of us without thinking about what we are thankful for. If that happened this year. Take a moment to make a little list of your own. We all have something to be thankful for no matter what our life looks like.

“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” ~ Harry Ironside

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