Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The baby place.

Well that is what we called it. It has a formal name but it has escaped my memory. This was one of our ministry sights in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. It is a transition home of sorts for infants and toddlers. The ministry was to play with and love the beautiful children who live there. This girl was one of them that stole our hearts. As a leader I didn't have a regular ministry but when I had time I always went with our ladies to this one to hang out with the kids. One of the little boys that lived there had CP, I believe.  He layed on the floor and struggled to breath the whole time but he loved his back to be rubbed and loved being talked to. Many moments were spent hanging out with him. I think about these kids a lot and wonder if they ever got to go home with people or if they are in an orphanage now.

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