Saturday, August 10, 2013

15 days-- the volunteers.

Two weeks till I leave. Im sitting in the nest on my second to last night of Night Shift ever. One more night and Im back on days with the kids. I was writing goodbye notes to my fellow volunteers today. So todays post is about them.

I have worked with many people from all over the world this year. I has been a great experience. Sometimes hard. But most experiences have the difficult times. But getting to know, living with and working with these other young adults has been a big part of the experience. Of course we are all here for that babies but when not working or sleeping we are hanging out together either here on the farm or off if we can get away. I have learned lots from them. About them and about their countries. They come form many countries.

United States
South Africa

My first volunteer weekend.
Second volunteer weekend.

Sports day--all volunteers and kids

My last volunteer weekend.
 I have learned many things from them. I have learned how to be patient. How to be a bit crazy. That differences don't have to ruin relationships. And so much more.

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