Sunday, August 25, 2013

0 days--- Home

Home. What a word.

Yesterday home was a little cottage I shared with an amazing lady from Switzerland right next to a nursery filled with little ones who have stolen my heart. 

Today home is the house I grew up in.

 But I think yesterdays home is where my heart is still. I ache for it. Tears come every time I think of it. I miss those little ones and all my TLC family. Past volunteers weren't lying when they said that it sucks to leave and be home that it hurts like nothing else. I feel as if my heart was ripped out. 

I keep asking myself why did I come home. Why did I leave home. 
Somewhere in my I know it was time to leave. A part of me is excited to see what is next. But how could it ever beat what I just left. 

What I would give to be sitting in the hospital next to my little girl today. And I don't even like hospitals. I just ache to be there with her.  With them all.

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